The Nightmare Ends

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Immortal Continental Baum and Satele Garen arrive The Old Dutch and stopped at The Horseman's grave. He ask Satele to watch his from behind in case someone, or something, is coming their way. Satele nodded and kept an watchful eye out. Taking the skull out of Satele's cloak, he held it high in the air and spoke in German to The Horseman's Spirit.

Immortal Continental Baum (German) : Ich, Johnathon Baum, unsterblicher Kontinentalsoldat aus der 1. Pennsylvania Miliz der Freiwilligen und Veteran des amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges. Ich habe deinen Schädel gefunden. Und jetzt bringe ich es dir zurück und du wirst die Stadt Sleepy Hollow nicht mehr heimsuchen und mich noch länger verfolgen. (Translate) I, Johnathon Baum, Immortal Continental Soldier from The 1st Pennsylvania Militia of Volunteers and veteran of The American Revolutionary War. I have found your skull. And now, I hereby return it to you and you will no longer haunt the town of Sleepy Hollow and haunt me on longer.

And with that, He placed the skull on his grave and stepped back. Suddenly, the ground began to rumble. Lightning crashed around the grave and skeletal arm reach up and grabbed the skull. Slowly, it sank to the ground. Then, a bright beam of light shot up into the air. Meanwhile General Lyons and rest of the men was getting ready to fight off The Hessians until something began to happen to them. They began to deteriorate. The Horseman, himself, was getting his head back and began regenerating. This took The Men of The 1st by surprise. Then, one by one, The Hessian Soldiers began to fade away. Finally The Horseman regained his head and began to ride by his resting place. The Men, one by one, lowered their weapons as The Hessians disappear. All that is left are their uniforms, their gear and their rifles. At The Old Dutch Church, Satele heard the sound of a horse galloping. Looking towards the gate, She saw The Horseman coming there way, making his way to his resting place. Rushing to Johnathon, She moved him out of the way, and together, the took cover. The Horseman jumped into his grave and the beam of light, vanished into thin air, followed a roar of thunder. Total silence fell; At White Plains, The 1st Militia was left in confusion.

Private Josiah D. Fisk (Confused) : Is it over?

Private 9.6 : I'm not picking up anything.

First Sergeant Lyonsaki: I'm not sensing anything.

Immortal Marine Humpry Hillard: How can we tell?

Jay: It's over....Johnathon did it. The Nightmare of Sleepy Hollow is over at long last. The Horseman is now at peace.

The 1st Militia gave a sigh of relief. They grabbed their gear and headed towards Sleepy Hollow. They met up with Johnathon and hoisted him high in the air in celebration. This night of terror is finally over. Morning came at last, The 1st Militia did one more sweep of the area. After they scanned the area, they began to pack their gear up to make ready for their trip home. Immortal Continental Baum was visiting The Hessian's Grave before heading home. He took over his hat and spoke to him in German.

Immortal Continental Baum (German) : Lebewohl mein Freund. Ich hoffe, Sie werden weiterhin Frieden finden. (Translated) Farewell my friend. I hope you will continue to find peace.

He placed his hat on his head and saluted to his old war adversary. He left to gather his gear, pack up his tent and get ready for his march home. Satele walked up to Johnathon and gave him a kiss on the cheek. That made Johnathon smile and blush. After minutes of packing, and forming ranks, The 1st Pennsylvania Militia moved out and head by home to their place in Washington D.C.

Satele Garen checked in and is reunited with her master and she told her that Johnathon Baum defeated The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow One Month later, after settling in, Johnathon proclaim his love to Satele and a week later, they were married. Two years later, Satele gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, and they were taken to be trained in The Ways of The Force.

Clone Commando Captain Burster and his men left The Republic Army and joined The U.S. Army. Burster was promoted to The Rank of U.S. Army Major.

Naruko Uzumaki-Lyons gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl, in the year 2021. They named the girl, Isaribi Lyons and The Boy, Thomas Lyons. General Lyons became a proud father will watch over them as they grow up.

Alex secretly gave birth to a girl and named her Shizuka Lyon. Her great aunt, Kaical Corwait, and her husband, Corran Promal, took her to Japan to began her Jedi Training.

Immortal Continental Baum faced The General Staff at The Pentagon and told them of his encounter of The Headless Horseman. He told them that he ran away from a battle during The Battle of White Plains. A trial was conducted their The 1st's mission and reports were shown about Johnathon's desertion under fire and in the face of the enemy. He explained everything to the staff and apologized for his actions for what he did during The Battle of White Plains and for not telling anyone about keeping his fear a secret from anyone. After days of talking, Johnathon was cleared his charges. He went on to say that defeated The Horseman by returning the skull to his resting place.

A year later, Immortal Continental Baum went on National Television and got an exclusive interview of his encounter with The Headless Horseman. He went on to say he ran away after seeing The Hessian's headless corpse fall upon him. He was tried and cleared of all charges on one condition, redeeming himself and never deserting again. He also went on to say that his comrade, Private Henry F. Barnum found his skull and it was Johnathon, along with Jedi Knight Satele Garen brought his skull back to his resting place, ending The Horseman's reign of terror. Johnathon later attended a reenactment of The Battle of White Plains. He spoke to The Reenactors of The British, Colonial Americans & The Hessians for putting on a wonderful reenactment. He went to Colonial Encampment and visited The Reenactors. They laughed and told them stories of his time in The Revolution, and remembering the positive times before the War For Independence broke out. For his actions on defeating The Headless Horseman, President Hillary Clinton award Johnathon a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart, for his bravery and conquering fear.

The legendary and untold stories of The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow was not told as much like it use to but still many people who enjoyed ghost stories would bring the subject up and give their own twists about how The Hessian Horseman and how he lost his head in battle. Many versions of the story along with rumors and theories have always been told about how The Hessian began to unfold on The Town of Sleepy Hollow, but no one will ever know exactly why The Headless Horseman committed such a terrible act on cut heads to find his own again. They still talk about Washington Irving's story and enjoy reading about it. Some people say that The Hessian has finally let go and moved on. Some say that seen The Hessian, with his head, roaming the ground of The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, remembering about the positive times before the war whilst others believe that when the sound of an owl hoots and the mist rolls in, The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow appears, haunting The Town of Sleepy Hollow and The Town of White Plains, galloping on his blade steed, wearing a long red cap, without his head, forever refusing to leave the Town of Sleepy Hollow.

The End

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