The Nightmare Begins

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The American Revolutionary War. A war that gave birth to The United States of America. Once, Originally, 13 British Colonies....had fought and won for Independence. From 1775 to 1783, American, French, Spanish, British and German blood were spilled on battlefield that had raged on farmlands, in and around cities and even at sea. In New York, There is a place could White Plains. There, a battle occurred on October 28th, 1776. Continental Army Generals George Washington, Alexander McDougall & Joseph Spencer fought against British General William Howe's British. In Howe's Army, There were troops called Hessians; German mercenary Soldiers hired by The British to fight in America's War For Independence. During The Battle, a Hessian Artillery Officer who lost his head by cannon fire. His body taken off the field and buried in The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow, but his head remains on the field. In The year 1820, 37 years after The American Revolution, Washington Irving wrote "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"; a story about, Ichabod Crane, The Headless Horseman and The Town called Sleepy Hollow. It is said on every Halloween night, The Headless Hessian rises from his grave as a malevolent ghost, wearing a long red cape, wearing a Hessian Artillery Officer's uniform and riding a black horse, furiously seeking his lost head.

2019.....1 year after The Fourth Ninja War ended and 5 months after Order 66, The Jedi Order was gone and The Jedi went into hiding. Earth was spared from Clone Order 66; America learned of The Inhibitor Chip and order every Clone in The U.S. Armed Forces and Law Enforcement to have inhibitor chip removed. After Order 66, Tensions were rising between Natural-Born and Clone Soldiers. To reassure The American People and The World, General Lyons went on National Television and said The Clones are noble and loyal men and are willing to give their lives for their country like everyone. They will honor The Jedi & their fallen brothers, before Order 66 was issued. These Clones pledged their loyalty to Earth, The Jedi, America and her allies. Hearing General Lyons's words on reassurement, Tensions died down and began to accepted again. Since Earth was spared from Order 66, World Leader began to the early stages for The Jedi Protection Act. Some of the Clones deserted from The Galactic Empire, with any surviving Jedi, and head towards Earth to join The U.S. Armed Forces. One fine October Day, At Fort America, Immortal Continental Johnathon Baum was on top on The Fort; staring at Washington D.C. Staring at the city made him remember George Washington and his comrades from The Revolution. Deep down, He thought about one battle a long time ago...One from New York that happened in October of 1776. Sometimes, at night, Johnathon is haunted by visions of The Battle of White Plains and one event that will stay with him until he will die. Just then, Sergeant Major Lyons II walked out of the stairwell. He was instructed to find Immortal Continental Baum and tell him that General Lyons wants to see him. He found Immortal Continental Baum staring at Washington.

Sergeant Major Lyons II : Immortal Continental.

There was not answer from Johnathon. It was like his is in a trans. Sergeant Major Lyons II walked over and shoke Immortal Continental Baum out of it. Johnathon came too and turn his head to Sergeant Major Lyons II.

Sergeant Major Lyons II : Are you alright, Sir?

Immortal Continental Baum: Yes....I was lost in thought.

Sergeant Major Lyons II : Okay....Well, General Lyons wants to see you.

Immortal Continental Baum: Very well.

Immortal Continental Baum followed Sergeant Major Lyons down to stairwell and went straight to General Lyons's Office. Once at General Lyons's Office, Sergeant Major Lyons II knocked on the door and General Lyons granted them permission to enter. Once they entered Both of the men saluted and General Lyons saluted back. General Lyons thanked Sergeant Major Lyons II and said he could leave. Sergeant Major Lyons II nodded and left. Immortal Continental Baum walked over to General Lyons's Desk and stood at attention.

General Lyons: Johnathon...Do you know why I called you here?

Immortal Continental Baum: No Sir.

General Lyons: Well, I'll explain why....We have an mission. The Mayor of White Plains, New York needs our help. They claimed they have seen The Headless Horseman, Both in White Plains and in Sleepy Hallow. I want you to tell the men to get ready and we will be moving out in a hour...Understood?

Immortal Continental Baum went silent. He heard General Lyons's order, but something was playing on his mind. He looked away and was out of it. The name, White Plains, somehow made Johnathon stand still. A cold chill went down his spine and the hair on his neck stand up. Then, he heard General Lyons call out to him.

General Lyons: Mr. Baum; is something wrong?

Immortal Continental Baum snapped himself out of his trans and stood at attention.

General Lyons: Will you ready the men, Johnathon?

Immortal Continental Baum: Yes sir; I will get on it sir.

Immortal Continental Baum saluted and left General Lyons's office. After Immortal Continental Baum left his office, General Lyons pondered on Johnathon. Why is Immortal Continental Johnathon Baum acting strange? Could he be haunted by something from his past or something he saw during The Fourth Great Ninja War? Whatever it was, he will sure find out once he, and his unit, arrives at White Plains. Immortal Continental Baum entered The 1st Militia's Barracks and told them to ready up. They have an assignment at White Plains, New York and they move out in an hour. The Men of The 1st Militia gathered their belongings, left Fort America and heads towards Union Station. They departed Union Station and arrived at Secaucus Junction, where they marched towards White Plains City Hall to meet The Mayor of White Plains. The Mayor of White Plains met General Lyons, General Lincoln, Jay Lyon & Immortal Continental Baum and began to explain the assignment for The 1st Militia. The Headless Horseman has risen from the grave and out for the hunt, the hunt for his head. He was seen riding in both Sleepy Hallow and White Plains, looking for his head. He also seen with the ghosts of his comrades, Hessians. Jedi Master/General Jay Lyon told The Mayor of White Plains to tell the people to stay indoors. He proclaim the 1st Militia will handle this. The mayor was pleased. Generals Lyons, Lincoln and Jay left the office and met up with the men and told them they move out Sleepy Hollow. The Men of The 1st formed their ranks and moved out to Sleepy Hollow; to find The Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow.

The Nightmare Of Sleepy HollowWhere stories live. Discover now