Chapter 14

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Voice (shout) - STOPPP!!! You will not do anything like that

The sudden shout startles me, and I turn to see Khushi standing there, her eyes determined yet teary. I try to explain, but my words fail me. Nanheji attempts to interject, but Khushi cuts him off.

Nanheji - But ....

Khushi - I've heard everything, and I've made my decision. I understand your concerns, but I believe Devimayya is watching over me. I can feel it. And what fault does the baby have? They deserve a chance at life, regardless of their mother's struggles. Please, Jiji, Nanheji, I beg of you, let me go through with this pregnancy."

Payal (crying) - we will support you ....but but there are some conditions you have to this.

I know I will sound cruel when I say this but for my sister's health I can do anything.

Khushi's tear-streaked face reflects her determination and desperation as she responds to my condition.

Kushi - Jiji, I'll do whatever it takes. Just please, let me go through with this pregnancy.

Me (serious) - Firstly, you must divorce Arnav. I know what happened between you two... and he doesn't deserve your love. Secondly, we need to leave this city, even if it means leaving our parents behind. Thirdly, you must listen to me and the doctor, taking care of yourself throughout the pregnancy. And lastly, you cannot dwell on the past. Do you agree?"

Khushi (tearful) - For my baby I can do anything (gives her hand to Payal)

Khushi (tearful) - For my baby I can do anything (gives her hand to Payal)

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I give her the divorce paper (which I asked Nanheji to get me) which she slowly willingly signs and then gives back.

As I sat down to sign the divorce papers, a flood of emotions overwhelmed me. It wasn't just a signature on a piece of paper; it was the end of a chapter I never thought would close so soon.

Each stroke of the pen felt like a dagger through my heart, a painful reminder of the dreams shattered and the promises broken. The marriage I believed would last a lifetime had crumbled before my eyes, lasting only a few short years.

With each letter, I couldn't help but reminisce about the moments we shared – the laughter, the tears, the love that once filled our home. But now, those memories seemed distant, overshadowed by the bitterness and resentment that had poisoned our relationship.

Yet, despite the pain, there was also a sense of relief. Signing those papers meant freeing myself from a toxic bond, from the chains that bound me to a loveless union.

It was a bittersweet liberation, a necessary step towards reclaiming my happiness and forging a new path forward. As I handed the papers back, I couldn't shake the heaviness in my heart. But I knew deep down that it was the right decision, the only way to find peace and rebuild my life. And though the journey ahead may be daunting, I was ready to face it with courage and determination, leaving behind the echoes of a failed marriage and embracing the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Akash's Note

Dear Akash,

It's time to put an end to our marriage. Please sign the divorce papers so we can move forward with our lives separately. Before I forget, if you decide to marry again, I hope you find someone who meets your expectations and makes your mother happy. Make sure she can keep you satisfied, both physically and emotionally, unlike the way you treated me. Remember, honesty is key – don't deceive her like you did to me. This is goodbye, Akash. I wish you well in your future endeavours, but I hope our paths never cross again. Sign the papers promptly, or I will have no choice but to take legal action.

Arnav's Note

Dear Arnav,

I have a surprise for you, one that you may not expect. But before I reveal it, I want to remind you that our marriage has reached its end. I'm not asking for any property or material possessions – all I ask is for you to sign the divorce papers I've prepared. Our relationship has been devoid of trust and love, existing only on a foundation of hatred and lies. If there was any genuine love from your side, you would have shown even a modicum of trust in me. But alas, that was never the case. So, Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, here's your chance to make things right. Sign the papers, and we can finally part ways for good. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to pursue legal action against you. This is farewell, Arnav. May we never cross paths again.

Precap - 7 years and 8 months leap

What will happen to Khushi and Payal now?

Is the letter written by Payal correct?

Will Arnav and Akash sign those papers?

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