I'm Single, Marry You, French Silk Cones!

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A/N: haha I'm sure the title confused you! Haha, it makes sense, I promise :)

After Harry and I finished the dishes I went and showered, but no matter how hard I tried, I still smelled like maple syrup. I got out of the shower and put on a black kami with a neon yellow lacy top and jean shorts. I'd have to go shopping tomorrow because I didn't have nearly enough clothes to get me through the whole tour. I quickly did my makeup and tried to cover the smell of maple syrup with some of my bath and body works perfume (cucumber melon). I used my curling iron to tame my curls and walked over to the boys' room.

"Haz?" I said no knowing where Harry was. I heard the shower running so I decided to try Skypeing Elle again. She wasn't online though so I went on Facebook. I noticed that I had a private message from Alice Elaine. My old friend from middle school with Harry.

"Hey! So I hear that you're on tour w/ Harry and his band! So totally cool! How's hanging out with Harry again? (dont worry I forgave him a few months after you left) are you two dating or something? I always thought if you stayed you guys would've totally ending up together!

<3 Alice"

I didn't know how to respond, I hadn't talked to Alice in year or so. I decided just to tell her.

"It's great, no, we're not dating and he doesn't even really recognize me, but it's kinda fun seeing how he acts when he doesn't know :)"

I also posted "Last night was so fun, I can't wait to perform for the next concert!"

I looked at twitter and posts were somewhat like this.

1DSwaggy: Is @JustKat the one who's opening for One Direction

Bieber1Dhottt: @JustKat did a great job, is she dating any of the guys?

iTweet1D_Jen: I'm pretty sure @JustKat is dating Louis.

StylinsonIsReal: @iTweet1D_Jen No! @JustKat is dating Liam didn't you see her blue eyes.

LilliHoran99: @iTweet1D_Jen @StylinsonIsReal no, she's dating Harry, didn't you see how he looked at her while stacey were singing //:twitpic8993$28/9

The picture just showed Harry simply looking at me, so concluded that this girl was insane. I decided to clear a few things up.

"Yay I'm in London :D" I posted first.

Then I posted "Just to clear a few things up, I am not dating any of the boys, they're all yours :)"

"Having fun on Twitter are you," smirked Harry from the open doorway. His hair was still a little wet from his shower.

"It's a blast," I rolled my eyes, "When you're seen with One Direction, it's hard to prove you're single,"

Harry laughed, "Welcome to my world,"

"So where are we going?" I asked closing my iPad and throwing it on my bed behind me.

"I told you, it's a surprise!" he said.

"It's the London eye isn't it?" I said sounding bored.

"No, I know you've been here! I'm not boring!"

"Big Ben?"


"Big red bus?"

"No! Now would joys stop asking and just go,"

"Okay, fine," I smiled, "Do I need to bring money?"

"Nope," he said quickly popping the "p".

"Okay," I said I got up and walked towards the door and he snickered. "What?"

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