- A Little Deal -

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Chocolate brown eyes widened in fear. "Gaea?!" he mumbled. Leo wanted to scream, but couldn't. His words only came out in whispers, as if something was stopping him. Or someone.

The someone was obviously Gaea. Said Titan's smile changed into a horrifying smirk. "I am here to make a deal, Valdez." Leo quirked an eyebrow. His caution wasn't gone quite yet, and Gaea knew this. So her expression went from a smirk to a sympathetic frown.

"I cannot help but feel sorry for you." she said. She decided using her motherly voice would work. "Your so-called friends think you're nothing. It's saddening." Leo scoffed and chuckled, putting on his trademark grin. "Please, why would they think that?" he asked.

"Well, besides earlier, have they not criticized you enough?" the Titan mother questioned. Leo's grin dropped as he began to think about what she had just asked. "W-Well, I mess up sometimes-" Gaea interrupted, sounding defensive. "Just like the rest of them."

She shrunk her size, though she still towered over the Hispanic teen. He flinched when she hugged him. "What are you-" she interrupted again. "Do not make the same mistake as Percy."

Gaea let go, almost hesitantly. "Join us Titans. You shall become family. No-one would ever hurt you again."

Leo's response made her grin.

"I'll think about it."

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