- The Flames You Made -

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Jason was anxious. Percy and Annabeth were in Tartarus. "Guys..," he trailed off. He didn't want to think about it. "Annabeth and Percy are strong. They'll be fine."

"Yeah, but what about Leo?" Something suddenly hit the side of the ship. It rocked until Frank held the wheel. "What just happened?!" A laugh was heard echoing in the air around them. It sounded familiar.

"Leo?" Piper mumbled. Leo smirked as his hands went aflame once more. "Leo...what are you about to do?" Hazel asked, caution in her voice. Leo smiled innocently. "I'm going to use the flame you created."

With that

He burned down half of the ship.
I'm sorry that it's short!! School sucks and this weekend updates will be quicker!

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