- Till Death Do Us Part -

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Leo smiled to himself.

The ship was a complete wreck, there was no sign of his former friends, and he felt stronger. It was amazing.

Now he had one more thing to do. For now at least.

"Kill Calypso."

The command replayed in his mind when he reached her island. "Leo?" Calypso mumbled. Her eyes widened as she ran to hug him.

Only to dodge a ball of fire, aimed at her heart. Calypso gasped. It got her arm. Holding the burnt mark on her arm, she watched Leo walk toward her slowly.


"Le-" Leo placed a hand on her forehead. "Poor thing," he mused "You don't realize do you?" Calypso felt heat on her head.

"I said I swore on the river styx. Meaning..."

She began to turn to ashes, screaming in agony the whole time, while Leo stood emotionless.

He held what was left. Her arm.

"Till death do us part."

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