- Saint Bernard -

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Screams and pleads erupted from Leo. He panted as blood ran down his back. The Titans had cut and whipped his body. Prometheus then told them to stop. "Look, Valdez," he said, walking a bit closer "This is the exact same rock I was tied to. I should know how it feels."

When Leo scoffed and turned away, he decided to use a different approach. "Alright, fine. Stay here for all eternity. None of your so-called friends would be bothered by it. If they care so much, why are they not here?"

"They're fighting right now. It's a war, created by your beloved mother." The demigod repied. The word beloved was said with complete sarcasm and hatred.(Advice; Start the song here)

This resulted in agonizing pain racking Leo's body. They didn't stop, they wouldn't if they had a choice. His screams echoed throughout the sky, only to fall on deaf ears and cruel smiles.

After a few hours, he was broken. Leo heard one last thing before he blacked out. Machines are different. When a machine breaks, you can actually fix it. But when a person breaks, you can't. Those were his dad's words.

Leo was woken up with a rock being thrown at his face. The Titans were back. "Oh. You're here." Leo muttered. His voice was shaky and sarcastic. But something was different this time.

"Termine con los cobardes." he snarled. "¿O tienes pequeñas perras asustadas?"

"Just kill me." he demanded. "Fight me at least." Hyperion grinned. "Alright."
The story will be put on hold for a bit-- PLEASE DON'T HURT ME

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