-Going To War-

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"Leo!" Nico got into a defensive position, along with the others. "Rosie?" Piper raised an eyebrow. "Isn't she the daughter of Gaea?" Frank got out of position. "Wait..Gaea has a daughter?"

Rosie shurgged in her armor, which was golden with pick accents. "What's with the armor?" Leo asked. "Easy." she threw him a sword. "We're goin' to war with my mom."

Before anyone could comment, growling was heard behind the daughter of Gaea. "I brought some friends by the way. They're half wolf half human. Shouldn't that help find Annabell and Perry?"

"Annabeth and Percy." Hazel corrected with a small glare. "Yeah, yeah." Rosie mumbled. One of the "hybrids" spoke. "So, when do we attack?" he eagerly asked. "I need bloodshed!"

Rosie rolled her eyes. "In a minute. We need to prepare."

"Let's sparr. No limits unless blood is spilled."

"Wow.." Jason whispered. "She really is the daughter of Gaea."

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