- Tell Me -

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"Eo...Leo!" Piper screamed. Leo jumped up in surprise. Everyone was standing around him, with both concerned and happy faces. "Are you alright? I felt a dark force." Nico said. He grabbed Leo's hand, helping him get to his feet.

They do care. Leo thought to himself. She's wrong. She's a liar. They were concerned about me. Percy then made a sad smile. "Leo, we were thinking and..." he trailed off. "Thinking what?"

"We were thinking of dropping you off at camp."

"Wait what?"

"You have been in the way sometimes." Frank mumbled. Hazel was less sympathetic. "And by sometimes we mean most of the time." she quickly said.

Annabeth was already setting the ship on course to camp Halfblood.

               - Time Skip -
Once they dropped him off, Leo glared as the Argo flew off. They hadn't even taken him to camp, but the woods outside of it. Leo didn't want to deal with the gate's gardian, Argus. So, he decided to walk around a bit.

Tell me; is this how friends are normally treated? Gaea inquired him. The Hispanic boy turned away, ignoring her the best he could. Then a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"What's a little thing like you doing out here?"

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