Break Down Part 2

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I jumped up and showered quickly. Ja took a shower in the hall bath. Once we were dressed we rushed out the door. I had some leggings and a half shirt that came off the shoulder. Ja had on some red basketball shorts with a black tee and of course some J's. The car ride was silent. I just stared out the window not believing that this shit was even happening.

I mean I really don't fuck with nobody unless they are fucking with me. I am really trying to keep my anger under control but it's becoming more difficult by the second.

I looked over at Ja and I could tell that he was angry by the way he was gripping the steering wheel. I reached over and laced my fingers with his because I needed all the strength and support possible. He squeezed my hand and looked over at me. I could see the worry and concern written all over his face just as I knew he could see it on my face as well.

I took a deep breath as we pulled up to the studio. I was dreading what I was going to walk in on. From the sound of the detectives voice it was pretty bad. Ja parked and before he could come around and help me out, I had already gotten out. He ran around and grabbed me before I could pull the door open.

"Exotic wait!" Ja said stopping me in my tracks.

"I want you to take deep breaths and pace yourself before you walk in here." He said caressing my cheek.

I simply nodded and pulled the door opened. I gasped and fell to my knees with Ja trying to support me. Someone had bashed the lobby area. Pictures, statues, and paintings were destroyed. They had even spray painted things with words like bitch, ho and you ain' shit.

I just sat there as tears of hurt and anger poured from my eyes. Ja held my shaking body. I looked up and there were two men standing in front of us. I assumed that one of them was Det. Knight.

"Exotic." He kneeled down touching my shoulder.

"Yes." I said in a tear filled voice.

"I am so sorry, but do you have any idea who may have done this?"

"Not really unless my cousin Sharla Chambers had something to do with it."

I looked back at Ja and he clenched his jaw tightly because he couldn't stand her bitch ass. The Det. wrote down that name and then looked back to the man standing with him. They were talking about something and then he looked back to us.

"I hate to tell you this but the actual studio was damaged as well." Det. Knight said.

Ja helped me up and we walked down to the studio. When I walked inside my feet failed me and I collasped. It was too much. I couldn't deal. My breathing became shallow and I was met with darkness.

"Shit! Steve call 911."


"Exotic! Baby please wake up!" I yelled.

I checked for a pulse and it was so weak. I couldn't lose her because I loved her too much. Within minutes the paramedics came rushing in. They hooked her up to an IV. They placed oxygen on her and put her on the stretcher. Before following them out I looked around at the shattered glass from the long wall mirror. All the pictures up above were broken and on the floor. It was spray paint all over the hardwood floors and walls. There was one thing that stood out in that black paint. When I looked at those words I was ready to spit fire on somebody. Someone had the audacity to put,


I balled my fist at my sides and headed out to my car following the ambulance. I called the crew and told them to meet me at Atlanta Medical Center. Five minutes later we were pulling up at the ER. I parked my car and ran into the hospital. I paced the waiting room because I was so worried and I was on edge.


I turned at the sound of my name and it was Andie, Sharee, Issa, Twan, and Tevin.

"Man thanks for coming. Shit is real crazy right now." I said rubbing my hands down my face.

"What's going on bruh?" Issa asked.

"Yeah Que what the hell is going on?" Andie said.

"Some sorry mothafucka vandalized her dance studio. I mean the shit looks awful, but the worst of it all is what they put on the wall." I said thinking back to what I saw.

"What was it?" Sharee asked while leaning into Twan.

I looked over at Tevin and he looked like he was ready to go to war. I like how everyone was close and had each other's back.


"What?!" Andie yelled not caring that she was in the middle of the hospital.

"Y'all don't have any idea who is behind this shit?" Tevin asked.

"Exotic does. She thinks that Sharla has something to do with it."

Before anyone could say anything else about the matter at hand the doctor came out.

"Chamber family."

We all walked up to him waiting for him to tell us what the deal was.

"Exotic seems to be under a lot of stress. She is stable but she needs to stay here for a few days for observation. I was informed that she just went through an ordeal that could cause her to do harm not just to someone, but to herself." The doctor said.

"She is resting and we sedated her for the time being.You can see her shortly."

"Thanks Doctor." We said in unison.

"I don't believe this shit! All this happening all because I am with Exotic. I mean what the fuck? I swear if something happens to Exotic I will kill a mothafucka my damn self."

"Que calm down bruh. Exotic is gon need you now more than ever. She has been through so much and for all this time she has been trying to be strong, but you can only take so much." Andie said.

I sighed because I knew that Andie was right but I was hurting for Exotic because she didn't deserve any of this.

A nurse came up to us and told us that we could see Exotic now. I let everybody else go in first and I went last because I was going to stay the night.

I sat in one of the chairs looking straight ahead. I prayed to God that Exotic bounces back after this, but shit if it were me I can't say what I would do. This shit is crazy almost too crazy to be fucking real.

Thirty minutes had passed and finally they came from her room. They squeezed and patted my shoulder as I got up and went back to her room. Once I got there I took a deep breath before walking in. I pushed the door opened and she looked so tired and drained.

I hated this shit. She should be up dancing and smiling because she is excited about what she does. I stood by her bed and looked at her. Even though she was in this hospital bed, she was still beautiful to me. She had that natural beauty.

"Exotic I don't know why this had to happen, but know that whoever is behind it will regret every moment of it. You can trust and believe that. You don't deserve none of this shit, but whoever is behind this is gonna deserve every bit of what comes their way. They better hope that it ain't you that comes their way. This time I won't stop you, hell I will edge you own."

I touched her cheek and smiled weakly. I uttered three words that I had been feeling, but was afraid to say.

"I love you Exotic."  I said sitting in the chair across from her bed.

I got comfortable and closed my eyes.


I can't believe I did what the fuck I did. Skye keeps blackmailing me with the secret that nobody knows but me and her.  I know if Exotic finds out I was behind this shit it is over. Hell its over for Skye too because this time she assisted. I think she took it too far with that message she left on the wall, but I couldn't tell Skye shit. I wish I could crawl in a hole and never come out. For all the wrong I have done I deserve to burn in hell right along with Skye Carter's ass...

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