Part 9

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Just as we planned asked y/n to everyone if they would like to play truth or dare. Everyone wanted to play so we started to play it.
Y/n: "Alright, let's get started. Who wants to go first?"
Mikey: "Me. Andy truth or dare?"
Andy: "Dare"
Mikey: "Kiss Rye passionately for 15 sec"
Andy and Rye do that.
Andy: "Brook, truth or dare?"
Brook: "Dare"
Andy: "Kiss Jack for 10 sec"
Brook comes to me en kisses me. When Brooklyn walked away I winked at him for the fun.

As dare exercise Brook needed to kiss Jack for 10 seconds. So they did. For some reason I felt jalous and sad. Was it because of Liam? Or because I wanted a kiss like that, from someone who truly loves me (even if he just loves me as friends) and cares about me? Or is there somehow an other reason?
Anyway they kissed and we continued playing.
Brook: "Y/n, truth or dare?"
You: "Truth"
Brook: "What did you and Jack do in our room after dinner?"
You: "We kind of made a surprise." I smirked.
Brook: "When are we going to see this surprise?"
Jack: "You could only ask one question Brook."
You: "Rye, truth or dare?"
Rye: "Dare"
You: "Go to yours and Harveys room"
Rye walked to his and Harveys room. We all followed him.

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