Part 34

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While we were eating dinner they ask about where we were and stuff.
Brook: "Jack, where did you found y/n?"
Me: "I found her at the park. I thought she would be there, because that's one of the few places she knows."
Brook: "Smart thinking. Andy looked there, but he didn't found you there. Did go anywhere else or something?"
Me: "Yeah, we went to Starbucks and starting talking and then we kind off lost track of time."
Rye: "Harvey was right."
Y/n: "He was right about what?"
Rye: "He said you guys were probably okay and just lost track of time. As always..."
Y/n: "Why does he know me so well." She chuckled while saying that.
Mikey: "Were you talking about planning a new prank on Rye?"
Me: "Nope, but you are giving me ideas." I smirked.
Rye: "What where you two doing then? Making out maybe?"
He smirked at us like he had it al figured out.
Y/n: "Guys we were just talking. Nothing special happened."
Rye: "Whatever you want babe."
He totally didn't believe us. You could hear it by the way he said it.

After dinner y/n came to me and asked me if we could talk so we went to our room. Jack wasn't in our room, he was still in the living room.
Me: "Where do you want to talk about?"
Y/n: "We lied during dinner about where we were."
Me: "Then where were you?"
Y/n: "I was at the studio singing. I heard a sound from downstairs. It was Jack who tripped and fell on his arm. I helped him with his arm and gave him an ice pack. We went upstairs again and we sang for hours. I played the guitar and we both sang. Till we saw the texts then we went home."
Me: "He heard you sing? Even I have never heard you sing."
Y/n: "The only reason I sang with him is, because he had already caught me singing."
Me: "Okay, he still heard it tho. I'm jealous."
Y/n: "Your jealous of hearing sh*t. Good to know. I-I also have to tell you something else."
Me: "Tell me. You don't have to be nervous."
Y/n: "When we walked back he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. And somehow I felt save with him. Like nothing bad could happen to me."
Me: "It sounds like you like him."
Y/n: "That's the thing. I'm not sure if I like him."
Me: "I think you will find that out eventually. Just be patient."
Y/n: "Thanks Brook."
Me: "Your welcome."
She hugged me. I went back to the living room with y/n.

After I talked to Brook I went to the living room. I saw Andy sitting on his bed watching something on his phone with earplugs in. Usually he doesn't wear earplugs so it must be secret or something. I went to sit next to him and looked at his screen. He quickly clicked on the home button. He wasn't fast enough tho. I saw what he was watching...

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