Chapter 7

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Hey ya'll, so as you should of been able to tell if your a frequent reader I haven't been keeping up with my schedule that much. I have school all day, then when I get home I have to work on homework. Usually there isn't time for me to write a 700 word chapter. So I'm switching the schedule. I'm going to be posting on Tuesday's and Thursday's. This story will be updated on Tuesdays and the other one that I'm writing will hopefully be on Thursday if I finish the first chapter.

There is also a little problem.

There is a huge hurricane (hurricane Florence) that is making landfall where I am. So my power will probably be out and I wont be able to upload while our power is out. But I will have a bunch of chapters ready hopefully.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and the other story I'm writing when it comes out.
Thank you again for 120+ reads!
- Ri
Cel's POV

"What is your name?" Medusa had asked me. "You already know, Its Cel..." I said nervously. Medusa looked at me unconvincingly "I know your lying and I wont push you to tell me but I would like to know." I sigh, "Names are powerful, but it's only fair since you know mine." Medusa says. I think about it for a little bit before responding "Fine I will tell you. I guess it is only fair." Medusa grins at me and sits with her eyes wide open, as if ready for the new information. "My name is... Cecile." I say hesitantly. Medusa stares at me before replying "Wow.. that's a really pretty name, Cecile." She says trying out the word on her tongue. I laugh a little, "thanks."

Just after I said that thunder roared, it was so loud it shook the cottage we where in. Medusa and I jumped in our seats. She looked at me with frantic eyes, "we have to get to work before the storm comes, we cant have any of the windows or doors open. I have a safe room in here that we can go in but we need to get the things away from the windows." She told me. I nodded and sprang into action.

While she was pushing the table against the wall and moving the chairs into the closet, I was grabbing all the pillows and clutter and putting it into her bedroom.

A couple minutes later we where done. Medusa grabbed my hand and pushed me into the safe room, "Stay here, I will be right back, I'm just going to be grabbing some necessary supplies." I nodded, nervously and she closed the door. While she was collecting the things I felt around, trying to get used to my surroundings.

As I walked around, I found a chair. And seeing as I was going to be in here a while I took a seat. I waited for a couple minutes and became restless. As I stood up from my chair the room started shaking. I stumbled and reached for the door but as I touched it I could tell it was hot, It got hotter as the seconds passed. I remembered Medusa was in there and started getting even more nervous "MEDUSA!!" I yelled trying to get her to hear me. I banged on the door but found out it was locked.

I ran away from the door and felt around for the shelf and cupboard I had remembered being there. I felt on the shelf and realized there was nothing there except for a couple scrolls and pieces of crumbled paper. I ran over to the cupboard just to find out it was locked, I grabbed the chair I had been sitting on only a couple minutes ago, and I rammed it into the cupboard doors. They popped open and I reached in, to my luck I found a axe.

I ran back over to the door and hit the door with the axe, not caring what damage I did, the floor was still shaking and it was increasingly growing hotter. When I hit the door a second time thunder roared though I didn't pay much attention to it as I was to focused on the task at hand.

As I stuck the door a 3rd time the heat shot up and I became dizzy. I wrenched the axe into the door a 4th time and the floor shook ever harder. As I hit the door a 5th time, the unspeakable happened.

The door shattered open and I was blown off the axe, As I ran straight ahead i tripped over something, I pushed myself up and felt the thing I tripped over. It was soft but I could feel bones, The object was moving but very slowly and not much. I identified the object as Medusa and became worried. Just as I was about to check her pulse and shout for her a huge force sent me tumbling away from her. I hit my head on something and I could feel my consciousness slipping. Right before I slipped away into my thoughts there was a loud boom.

And that was all.

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