Chapter 8

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Medusa's POV

It hurt.

Everything hurt.

Why did everything hurt?

What had happened to cause me to be in such agonizing torture?

I was confused.


What is going on?

I finally opened my eyes and gained my senses.

It was bright.

Way to bright.

Why was it so bright?

I squinted my eyes trying to get a better glance at what was in front of me.


I remember.

I remember what had happened.

Something had caused me to get thrown into the wall.

But what was it?

It had come from the closet.

Oh no

Cecile was in there.


I looked around and assessed the wreckage that was once called my house. My beautiful house, the one place I had found security in and shelter had been ruined.

But where was Cel?

I finally saw her. Her body was wrecked and bloody, and it seemed as if she had been attacked by a wild animal. Deep cuts scattered her body in various places. She had a gash in her left shoulder and her leg, which wsas visible from her dress, bent in an unusual way.

And her face, she looked as if she was in deep anguish and tears stained her pale face.

"Cecile!" I ran over to her and shook her.

She didnt move.

I checked for a pulse and felt a very small and light beat. There it is, there is a slight chance that she could live through this.

I had to do something so I attempted what I used to see the villagers do when someone wasnt breathing.

What was it called again?

It started with a 'C'..

Ah, it was CPR.

I had been taught by my mother once before I got cursed. It seemed easy but I had only done it a couple times before.

I figured it was worth a shot.

I started with the chest compressions.






She continued until she had done 30.

She tilted Ceciles head back and lifted her chin.

She remembered that she must pinch her nose shut and as she did so she connected her lips to Cel's making a seal.

She started doing the rescue breaths

She breathed once and hesitated on the next, waiting to see if that one had worked.

It didnt.

She did another.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Finally she felt Ceciles chest begin to press up against her, just then realizing that she was pressed against Cel.

She pulled herself off of Cel and moved her to her side.

Cel started coughing, raspy coughing, heavy raspy coughing that sounded horrid. As she was coughing something dribbled out of her mouth.

It was red.

Once Cel's coughing fit ended she flipped herself onto her back and breathed heavily through her mouth.

"Medusa?" She asked in a weak, shaky voice.

Medusa looked up from the blood that had dripped out of Cels mouth.

"Yes?" Medusa asked alert.

"What just happened?" Cel asked, not really sure if she wanted to know what had just happened.

"I dont know Cel." Medusa replied.

Cel sighed, she hadn't expected anything else.

"Are we going to be okay?" She finally asked, getting out the question both had been wondering.


Hey guys! So yes, I've finally updated. The chapters will be more spaced out now but I will try my best to continue writing. I need to remember that I cant pressure myself and try to please my readers the whole time. I have school and dance and I'm starting drama soon so that will take up alot of my time. I do apologize for not writing and I may not have the best excuse but you need to understand that writing is only a fun project. It's not a job it's only a part time activity that I indulge in. So, hope you enjoy this little chapter. It's a bit different I guess? And yes I did mix up the POV's but that's only because I wanted to write from Medusas POV for a little bit. Again, hope you enjoy this chapter. Hopefully there will be more to come soon but no promises.

- Ri

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