Chapter 6.4: Alexander Cleevan III

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It's really getting late. I shouldn't have stayed that long. I must admit though that I enjoyed talking to him. He's the type of guy who loves acquiring information about things and people around him but if I were him, I'll be careful. He'll never know what he's gotten into until he's there, well just saying 😏

"Home, finally."

I live alone. No siblings to mess with and no parents to talk to. I've been living alone for roughly four years now. Yeah, since when I was twelve. If you're asking why? I don't know why 😂 Hahaha! I just woke up one day and I was all alone. I thought they just left so early for work and school but they haven't returned ever since.

Nothing's wrong actually. Our family's happy and perfect so I was wondering why did this happened. Why all of a sudden? I was left to die. I kept asking myself what have I done wrong? Did they loved me? Am I important to them? Questions that kept me alive. Questions that kept me searching for answers. Questions that made me who I am today.

I'm happy outside but deep inside I'm broken. Broken into pieces by things and people who were once part of my life. This thing called life, I wanna know its true meaning. I wanna know why such word exists. Why do we exist in this world where nothing is permanent?

"I better go to work." Yeah, I'm working at this time of the day. I'm actually late for my appointment but I know that my client is still waiting for me.

* *

"Thank you for coming Alexander." She said as we shook our hands. "Have a sit."

"I should be the one thanking you Ms. Ricciane. Thank you for waiting." She's the client I'm talking about. I worked as a private investigator. I know it sounds absurd and it is really hard to believe because I'm only sixteen but it's true. I can't say that I'm the best but one thing is for sure, I always accomplish my task.

"It's okay. I waited because I know that I won't regret choosing you. I've heard a lot of things about you. You're young but you work way better than some of the professional private investigators around."

"By the way, I just want to ask you one thing." She paused for a while and looked at me. "You are Ricciane Alv, right?" She smiled and nodded. "But how come you're alive? News said that the three survivors were also killed in the hospital and you're one of them."

"Some news are true, some are not. Luckily, I survived but I don't have the time to talk about everything. I came here because I need your service and meeting you at this time of the day is dangerous for me. Listen, I want to know everything about this guy." He gave me an envelope. I took it and inside I found a picture of a man. "Use all means possible and gather information as much as you can."

"Can you pay me?" I mean, we're about the same age. I wonder where she'll get the money in order to pay me.

"Here." She handed out another envelope. I opened it and there I saw money. "Five thousand grand as downpayment. I'll give you the rest once you completed the job. Fair enough?"

"Alright. Let's meet here after a week."

"Okay. One more thing, keep our transaction and my identity a secret. Understood?" I just nodded as a response. "Good. I have to go, thank you for your time."

"Pleasure's all mine." After we bid goodbyes, I immediately go home to start doing what I have to do. I'm gonna become a part of something big, something very big.

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