Chapter 1

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Craig's Pov

It was monday morning and I didn't want to go to school as usual. I'm tired of going there just to deal with the teacher's bullshit. The only thing that keeps me going are my friends, or as I like to call them, my gang.

My gang consists of Clyde, Token, Jimmy and Tweek. Basicly clyde is all about charming the girls, token is really laid back and chill, Jimmy is a great comedian and tweek...

Well, I could say a lot of things about tweek now. I've been finding myself staring at him and smiling just by looking at him being happy. I don't know what's wrong with me honestly, it's like some kinda of need that I have to make sure that he's happy and safe.

I always walk to school with Tweek and Clyde, today was no exception. Though what they decided to talk about was rather diferent from usual.

"Hey guys, I heard that someone is gay in our class" clyde said.

"W-what? In our class? T-that's impossible!" Tweek hurried to reply.

"Maybe it's Cartman" I joked.

They laughed but in reality I was really thinking about this. Who is gay in our class? How does Clyde know that? Ahah, who ever it is I feel sorry for them. They're gonna suffer a lot considering our class.

After some jokes and chatting we arrieved at school. At the front door there was Token waiting for us, as usual playing games on his expensive ass phone.

As we sit in class I hear an annoying voice screaming through the hallway. Of course this annoying voice was Cartman's voice. He bursted into the classroom and screamed his lungs out.


Everyone was surprised.

"What the hell do you think you're doing fatass?" kyle said behind Cartman clearly annoyed by all the screams.


That's when I noticed that he was indeed holding a piece of paper. Apparently this paper said:

"Dear Mr.Mackey,
I'm homosexual but I don't know how to come out to my parents and friends"

Wow, I feel bad for that person. The way everyone knew was because of a note that was supposed to be to Mr.Mackey...

A bit after the teacher came and everyone had to shut up, including Cartman. I really didn't concentrate in what the teachers was teaching. I don't know why I was so interested in this mysterious gay person...

After class I went to talk to Tweek. Clyde and Token were hanging somewhere else so I decided to chat with him a bit.

"Sup Tweek"

"AGH!" Tweek seemed surprised by this. He looked more anxious than ever and was twitching a lot. "Oh, h-hey Craig. How hum... H-how are you?"

He was acting weird... "I'm ok, how about you? You look worried did something happen?"

Did something serious happen to him? Did someone hurt him? I swear to god if someone touched him I'll kill them. No one comes out alive after hurting my friends

"N-no! I'm okay! W-why would I not be okay? Gahh! It's just a n-normal day!"

Hum... It's better not to pressure him.

"Hey, Tweek, by the way, about the note cartman had..."

The Secret Note | Tweek X Craig | South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now