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i didn't forget about y'all!!😭

" I don't know what your little situation is but you need to fix it now " I turned around to see Mani at my door. She walked in looking around my room to see textbooks, photographs, and papers.

" I have midterms this week and I'm stressed out " I pulled at my bush. " , and I've been missing my phone for a whole 6 hours now " I reached for my next paper and started highlighting.

" You look like you haven't gotten any sleep either " she leaned against my door frame. " Anyways your cousin is here "

" Which one ? " I asked not looking up from my  textbook.

" Obviously your favorite one " I heard a familiar voice enter my room. I jumped up onto him embracing him into a bear hug.

" Wassup little cuz " he chuckled as I got back down and cleared a space for him on my bed.

" Nothing much how's Alabama ? " I asked.

" It's Alabama .. hot & country " I laughed at his statement.

" Better than waking up to wasted Cali girls in your hallway " I closed my textbook.

" You signed to come here soo "

" & that landed me dating your greatest enemy " I mumbled.

" He's not a enemy, we were just highly competitive that day " he reminded me. " Speaking of him, hows he's treating you ? Ion need to whoop his ass in one on one do I ? "

I laughed at him, " He's treating me good Collin ... does he know your here ? " he shook his head. " You better prepare yourself for the misleading headlines " I got up and looked at the time. It was 3:45. Jaylen's workout ends in 15 minutes.

" Why do I need to prepare myself ? "

" Everyone thinks you and Jaylen hate each other sooo if you see ' Collin Sexton pulls up looking for Jaylen Hands ' don't say I didn't tell you so. " my phone dinged from an iMessage from Jaylen.

" Get dressed up around 7 we're going out " he sent. I smiled because this is our first official date.

" Collin what , besides me , brung you all the way out here ? "

" Early spring break with some of my teammates in Sacramento "

" Lucky asses , ours is in 2 weeks " I said. Jaylen told me he had plans for us but, I don't know what he meant by that. He's always up to something.
" Where are you taking me mister ? " I asked Jaylen as we pulled up to a restaurant.

" I'm giving you to the chef and he's going chop your head off then serve you too me—don't touch that door. "

oh , this a DATE date

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oh , this a DATE date.

" Oh really? You woo me then lead me to my death .... I like it " I smiled, as he got out to come open my door.

" You are a dark child, after you " he followed me to the door and also held that door for me.

" Why thank you Mister Hands " I tried to do my best intimidation of a proper voice, causing him to chuckle.

" This is an Italian restaurant, since you love chicken alfredo " We took a seat in a booth, which was in a secluded area. He took his seat across from me. Soon after the waiter came and we ordered our drinks. "I feel like your teasing me with that shirt " he spoke not looking up from his menu. I decided to wear a black, deep v-neck shirt. We made a bet to see how long we could go without sex since I've tried convincing Jaylen he has a high sex drive. We're 2 months clean.

What have I created.

" Oh hush little boy, a little preview of breast won't kill you " I placed my menu down.

" It won't kill me but it'll get you killed " I shook my head laughing. " Since we're on the subject, I wanna try some new things "

" Like? " I raised an eyebrow.

" I can show you better than tell you " he smirked.

" No no no.. you will not " I warned. " I want to be a normal young adult tonight "

" But that's the normal adult thing to do... try new things " I kicked him under the table.

" Jaylen we'll talk about this later "

" But when we discuss it later I won't be able to do it then "

" What are you trying to do !? " I faced him getting aggravated.

" I wanna eat you o- "

" Jaylen ! "

" Please right under the table " I shook my head.

" Just when I thought you couldn't get any nastier "

" Oh just wait until spring break " he mumbled. " The things that will get done to you "

" here's your two drinks .. are you two ready to order ? " Jaylen and I shared glances with each other.

" I'll have the chicken alfredo "
i know it's short but, i had to give y'all something soo ... just going to stop right here 🙂

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