1 - Waking Up

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Narrators POV
Clementines head ached with severe pain. She had just had another nightmare about Lee, her old protecter and had woke up in an almost pile of sweat. She looked around the room and realised she had no clue where she was.

Where was AJ?!

The 17 year old realised she was duct taped to the wall loosely and yanked her arm free, sitting up. She started to slightly panic as she looked desperately around the room for AJ, but he wasn't in sight.

She went to reach and touch her head out of frustration but realised it was bandaged. Someone must have patched her up will she was knocked out cold.

Reluctantly, she sat up and walked around the room. While looking out the almost completely covered window, Clementine opened a drawer to find a photo album. Curiously, she opens it and sees picture of three girls, a short hair blonde and 2 long haired brunettes.

Her gear seemed to be missing, so the people that helped her also must've taken it. Great.

She quietly put the photos back and moved to the closet. Rummaging around she found nothing but a tool box. She left it and carried it to the dresser. Opening it, she found an old looking screwdriver like object.

"This'll do." Clementine sighed.

As she opened the door with the pallet knife, she saw no one occupied the hallway, and continued cautiously. The teenager turned the corner and found herself next to a wardrobe when suddenly a door behind her opened quickly. She anxiously dodged beside the drawer, and saw a boy around 10, darker skin and a scared head, go to open a door, looking scared.

She went up to him and quickly disarmed him. "Drop the knife."

"I think you should too"

Clementine turned to the voice. Marlon. It was Marlon. Their leader.

Well he used to be. Now she lead them.

"Clem" She hears a faint voice say.




Clementine's eyes promptly opened with much speed. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Violet, who was casually leaning against the doorframe to her room.

"Hey.... I came to check up on you, we decided to have a whole group meeting, but you seemed to be in your own world with your eyes closed." Violet chuckled, making Clementine blushed from not only embarrassment, but also the pure fact that Violet these last couple of days had made her heart flutter, and she was confused why.

"Oh yeah s-sorry, just remembering when I first woke up here. I was a bitch." She said half jokingly, sitting on the edge of her bed while AJ was drawing with the art equipment that Violet had offered to her two weeks ago it seemed.

The raiders had been two nights ago, and Clementine was confused on what to do. All day yesterday all they did was hold funerals for the people they lost, and then morn them all day.

But today was serious, they had taken Louis and left quite noticeable tracks. She thanked the Lord herself that the horse had left faint prints in the dirt when it ran away with Louis attached to the back in a cage, because it meant they could get him back and follow them back to their camp.

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