3 - Rescue?

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Narrators POV

Clementine didn't know how long she was on the road for. It must've been only a couple hours. That was when she came across a few tents, outside of a huge wall.

It reminded her of Richmond, before it was taken over. The huge, cracked walls covered in blood and barbed wire. She saw men and women on each of the corners of the wall, in some sort of lookout tower, with big lights, moving back and forth in a motion.

"Shit. Now I need to dodge these lights"

She saw that the green and blue tents were currently abandoned looking, the wind blowing on them softly.

""This is my chance I guess."

She quickly ran over to the behind of one of the tents, crouching down quickly. Clementine swore she could feel her blood pumping through each of her veins, she breathed in and out slowly.

"Remember what you said to AJ Clementine! Don't let fear take over. Breathe. In. Out. In. Out."

She had no idea on how she was going to get inside, but she did know one thing, Louis and the rest of her friends were in there. And even possibly Minnie and Sophie.


Violet nervously tapped her foot against the concrete of the school courtyard. She had the walkie talkie literally attached to her hip, anxiously awaiting to her Clementine's voice.

Call it cliche but just hearing her voice made her feel safe. Violet never thought she would be her old, softer self again after Minerva, but here she was, almost dying to hear her..... girlfriends? Voice.

"It's gunna be okay Violet. Clem has only been gone for a few hours. The earliest she can be back is in a day or two. Just loosen up a bit okay?" Tenn said walking up to her. He saw the worry in the teenagers eyes and tried to comfort her.

"Tenn! Just.... yeah... you're right. Yeah... I'll go sleep.... yeah." Violet began, going to yell at Tenn but deciding against it. She needed to sleep. And to be honest she needed to hug someone, but she didn't show that.

She made her way to her room. Taking off her boots and jumper, leaving her in her long sleeve underneath and pants.

Sighing, she got under the covers and began to think. It was only around sunset, so maybe 6pm, and she knew she was going to wake up very early the next morning. But Violet really didn't care by this point. As long as she heard Clementine's voice through the walkie talkie she really didn't care.


It had been three days.

Three days.

Three damn days since they had heard from Clementine. Violet was beginning to think the worst. The others had no worries but she was being eaten away by worry.

Violet groggily got up out of bed. It seemed the sun was only just beginning to rise in the apocalyptic world. She got on her jumper, boots and headed out to the courtyard.

Breakfast was some sort of soup with meat. She didn't really know or care for that matter. As long as it was food that wouldn't make her sick in any way.

She looked across from her and looked at the graveyard. Mitch. Brody. God damn Marlon. So many deaths in such a short amount of time. Some of them blamed Clementine, which made her blood boil considering that without her Marlon would have probably traded over more of them or they would all be dead.

Tenn looked over at her with worry. He was sitting beside her drawing a sketch of Clementine and AJ, with the group. Originally he was going to give it to them as a thank you gift, but he couldn't really do that now that Clementine was gone.

Violet went to get up but was interrupted by a small hand grabbing her wrist. She looked down and saw Tenn looking at her with sad eyes.

"Hey Violet... can you please give this to AJ? He ate just before you got up and locked himself in his room. I think he would love the drawing."

"S-sure kiddo, I will."

The blonde looked down at the drawing. It was Clementine and AJ walking out of the school gates, hand in hand while the group followed. She was fascinated by the 12 year olds drawing and how talented he was. If she tried to draw something like that it would just be a bunch of stick figures.

She absentmindedly walked to AJ and Clementine's room, without any thoughts. And before Violet knew it she was knocking on the door, drawing in hand.

"Who is it?" She heard AJ ask, voice croaky. She knew he had been crying, the quiet sniffles slowly breaking her heart.

"It's Violet little man. Can I come in?"


The door unlocked, revealing the 6 year olds tear stained face looking up at her. "Why are you crying little dude? What's up?" Violet asked with concern traced in her tone.

"I... I miss C-Clem..." AJ said plainly with a sniffle. "I do too kiddo, but it's okay she's going to come back, she will." Violet said reassuringly, pulling AJ in for a hug. She actually didn't know if she was coming back herself, but she didn't wanna make AJ sad.

"Hey. Tenn drew this for you and Clem. He knew you needed it." Violet said, pulling back from the hug, showing the infant the drawing.

He grabbed it off her slowly, and eventually smiled widely at it. "He really thinks that Clem is the leader now? That's cool." "It sure is kiddo. What about we-." Violet began to say, but was interrupted by a scream.

"What the fuck.."

"What the fuck.."

Violet looked at AJ amused. "So you're allowed to swear now huh?"

"Yup, I'm a big boy."

She smiled at him but then came back to reality. She grabbed AJ's arm lightly and ran downstairs and to the gate, where the base of the scream was coming from.

She saw the gate had been opened by Aasim, who looked scared and confused.

"Why'd you open the gate?!" She asked him angrily. "G-girl... z-zombies..." He said pointing a shaking finger. At the end of his finger was a view of a brunette girl sprinting towards them, an almost hoard of walkers following per suit.

The girl made it past the gate and Aasim immediately slammed it shut. Locking it tight.

Violet went over to the girl, who looked up at her covered in blood, puffing like a mad man.

It was Clementine.

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