Chapter Twenty - One

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Chapter Twenty-One

       The smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies filled the bakery, as Sara pulled the last tray of cookies out of the oven, sitting them down on the counter to cool off. She ran a hand down the front of her tired face when she heard the sound of the bell out front go off, signaling that another customer had walked in. She shook her self once, trying to shake off the tiredness that she felt, and headed through the kitchen door that lead to the front. She patted her hands against her apron as she turned her head up to greet the customer.

       "Welcome to," she started with a smile, the smile quickly disappearing when she recognized who had actually walked in. "Oh, it's just you." She said a little unimpressed, "I thought you were supposed to be staying at the hospital with Thomas until this afternoon? What are you doing up here?" She questioned, sizing him up. Sara really wasn't in the mood for any of his smart comments, and hadn't been since Thomas had ended up in the hospital.

Dane payed her no attention as he walked deeper into the bakery, stopping at the table just before Sara, his eyes studying her silently. "I told your brother I would come and check on you." He replied plainly, "He said you weren't answering any of his calls, and he was worried."

Sara couldn't stop her eye from twitching at the mention of her brother's name. "I should've known," she said with a shake of her head. "Charles has been calling me non-stop since last night. I finally had enough sense to turn my phone off after he left me five voicemails at four this morning." She admitted, slightly aggravated.

"I guess it runs in the family," Dane stared at her, "the constant annoying people, I mean." He clarified, waving a hand at her.

       "I kinda figured." She said sarcastically.

Dane didn't comment after that, but continued to watch her, as if he was trying to figure something out. He stood up a little straighter, nodding in her direction.

"What?" Sara asked dumbly.

        "How," he started, stopping like the word would somehow make him sick if he continued, "How are you holding up, Sara?" He asked seriously.

Sara stood dumbfounded for a moment, a little taken back. She was expecting him to crack a joke or say something sarcastic to her like he always did, leading her to say something just as snarky back - but this time was different.

Dane actually sounded liked he cared - cared about how she felt. The thought made her uncomfortable, and she didn't like the way it was making her feel one bit. It was weird.

     Her mouth twisted in an awkward smile. "I haven't flipped you off I guess that means I'm holding up just fine." She said, "How are you holding up?"

      He shrugged. "A lot better than yesterday." He replied. They continued to watch one another in silence.

Sara had always been one to say whatever was on her mind, but when it came to Dane, it was hard. Sure she had no problem getting on his nerves and ticking him off from time to time, but when it came to a serious one on one talk with him, she was terrified.

      "Dane," she began before she could chicken out. His chocolate eyes found hers. She swallowed hardly, letting the words roll off of her tongue before she could regret them. "Why didn't you ever tell the guys know?" She asked almost embarrassed, never moving her eyes away from him. Something shifted in Dane's eyes, but passed so quickly that she wasn't sure what to make of it.


She sighed, dropping her arms to her side. "Dane, I think it's time that we talk about it. You can't just keep pretending like it didn't happen."

        "I don't understand why we have to talk about. Neither one of us is awkward around one another, and we're still friends, so why does it matter?"

"It matters because it still bothers me. You don't just," She started, not knowing how to get it out, "You don't just-"

      "Kiss somebody and pretend like it never happened?" He said for her. "I do it all the time, it's not hard."

She gave him an annoyed look.

     "Look, Sara, when I kissed you the night of Kaityln and Jack's wedding, I wasn't - I didn't mean it..I just got so caught up in the night and the drinks...and I made a mistake. I told you I was sorry."

      "I know," She replied, "but I just thought that I was different." She said honestly.

Dane stopped breathing for a moment. "I'm not having this talk with you."

She felt anger rise up within her. "Then when will we have this talk, Dane?" She threw her hands up, "When you decide that you're bored and want me to fill your time up for the next five minutes again?" She demanded, "You can't just do that to me - with me. I'm your friend, you can't just treat me like one of your other little air head girls, Dane. It's not fair. I deserve your honesty." She said painfully, "I'm not asking you to profess your undying love for me, I just want you to be honest. That's all I'm asking for."

"Sara, I know what you want, but I just can't be the one to give it to you. I'm sorry." Was all he said as he turned his back and headed out of the door.

Sara leaned back against the counter, her emotions surging uncontrollably within her, as she watched Danes back disappear off into the distance. "You're such an idiot." She whispered softly, swiping at the tear that threatened to fall. She wouldn't cry over a man, especially a man who had never been hers in the first place, and didn't even want to confront his true feelings to be with her. Dane would find love someday from somebody that would help snap him out of that stupid playboy facade that he had hidden under for so long.

She just had to accept the fact that it wouldn't be her. It hurt to think about it, but she would be okay, she was Sara after all.

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