Chapter Thirty - Four

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Chapter Thirty - Four

Not edited

      Natalie finished changing Summer's dirty diaper, tossing the old one into the trash before scooping her up into her arms and placing her into her crib. "There you go," She said smoothing down some of her dark hair, "You should be good for awhile." She smiled as she watched her tiny eyes close, and she drifted off to sleep. Natalie then walked towards the door, turning off the light as she left and headed for her own room down the hall. When she made contact with her bed she sighed in contentment.

       "Oh how I've missed you." She sighed into the warm covers. This was the third time this morning that Summer had woken her up. Every time that Natalie even thought that she was going to get at least two full hours of sleep, Summer would prove her wrong by crying loudly until Natalie was forced to leave the comforts of her bed and go figure out what the problem was.

She rolled over onto her back, starring up at the plain white ceiling. What she wouldn't give to just fall back to sleep, she mused, but Natalie knew that without a doubt, she would be waking right back up within the next hour to go and check on her daughter.

As she continued to look up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but think about Thomas. She wondered what all he had done yesterday and how his concert had gone. She had spoken to him for a little while yesterday morning, but he had been too busy to stay on the phone with her.

It had been almost three weeks since he and the guys had gone off on tour, singing all over the states, attending benefit parties, and traveling all over the place. She knew he was busy, and tried his best to talk to her everyday, even if it was only to say a quick 'Good morning or Goodnight,' before being dragged off to do something else. She had never felt neglected, she had actually felt important that he would talk time out of his busy schedule just to tell her to have a great day even if that was all he could say to her.

Some days she would see him and the band on tv performing a show, and she would turn the tv up and go and grab Summer, and they would sit on the edge of her bed while she pointed at the screen excitedly every time she saw the man she loved stand up on that stage and start singing. She admired him a lot.

Even though she saw him on the television often and was able to talk to him over the phone every now and then, she still absolutely missed him like crazy. However, she knew that being a rockstar and traveling all over the place was something that Thomas loved and would probably do for as long as he could.

As the clock ticked, turning from 3:29am to 3:30 am, Natalie took that as her cue to go to sleep. She turned over on her side, willing herself to sleep. She laid in the dark for a few minutes with her eyes closed before flipping back over onto her back. She couldn't sleep.

She groaned, reaching for her phone that was sitting on the nightstand. She stared at the bright screen for a few seconds before dialing Thomas's number before stopping herself. She couldn't call him right now, he was probably exhausted and already fast asleep, she remembered, it would just be best to call him when she knew he would be awake.

She started to sit her phone back against the nightstand when the screen suddenly lit up. She immediately drew the phone back to her face so that she could see who had texted her.

Sorry I didn't get to talk to you much yesterday. I hope your day went well. I know you're probably sleeping right now, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and I'll talk to you later on tonight. The text read.

Natalie reread the text once more before re dialing Thomas's number again and holding her phone up to her ear. It rung one time, then two before Thomas's voice came over the phone's speaker. He sounded a little tired, but overall, he sounded surprised.

       "You're awake." He said surprised that she wasn't already asleep.

She pulled the covers up to her neck, trying to warm herself up a little. "Yeah, Summer keeps waking me up. I just finished changing her and couldn't go back to sleep," she admitted, yawning slightly. "Why are you still awake?" She questioned. She waited patiently for him to answer when he didn't reply back immediately. "Thomas?" She asked again, thinking he had fallen asleep when his deep voice spoke up.

"I was thinking about you."

Natalie closed her eyes, soaking in his voice. "I really miss you. It's weird not having you around all of the time cracking jokes."

"I miss you too." He assured her, "Just a few more weeks and i'll be back with you. I've been looking around for houses close to the bakery. I think we should go and look at a few of them when i'm off of tour."

Natalie's breath caught in her throat. "You've been looking for a house for us to live in? Together?" She asked.

He chuckled. "Well, yeah, you're going to be my wife in less than six months. I would like to have a house where we can all start our lives together. You, Me, and Summer, and anyone who comes after that." He said softly.

Natalie felt her heart skip a beat. "Are you saying-"

"That I want children?" He finished for her, "Yes, but not immediately, we can wait a couple of years. Summer just got here and everything, i'm not in a rush, but it would be nice later on down the road."

Natalie laughed as she held the phone to her ear. "You are just full of surprises."

"I hope they're all good surprises." He replied back and she could practically imagine the grin on his face.

"Of course."

"I love you." He said, causing her to chuckle.

"I know already."

"Just wanted to make sure that you didn't forget." He said with a yawn.

Natalie grinned. "Thomas, go to bed. We can talk tomorrow. I'll be here."

      "Okay, i'll call you as soon as we make it back to our hotel later on tonight." He said, "Goodnight, Natalie."

"Goodnight, Thomas."

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