Bonus Chapter (Part 2)

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Bonus Chapter - (Part 2) So I decided to just write 2 parts to the bonus chapter instead of three. So this is officially the end. The next book will be 'His Solace' Lee's story. ❤️

"She's doing it on purpose." Dane said to himself, folding his large arms around his chest in a childish manner as he stared off into the distance.

If he had known any better, he would've looked away, but something about the scene playing out before him made his skin itch. He wanted to tell himself that he wasn't the least bit irritated, but the longer he watched, the more irritated he became. It was as if she lived to get under his skin, whether she knew it or not. That fact alone aggravated him to no end.

But the thing that made him the angriest was that he had absolutely no interest in the skinny girl standing before him in the red, two piece bikini whatsoever - but still, just watching the whole thing gave him a headache.

"Who's doing what on purpose?" Lee questioned as he popped up beside Dane, a small brown book in his hand. He peered over Dane's shoulder curiously to get a better look at what he was staring so hardly at before his eyes landed on the object, or should he say objects, of his heated gaze.

"Sara," he grumbled, "She's been over there flirting with that guy since we got here."

Lee rocked on the heels of his feet. "And that pertains to you, why?" He asked, already knowing that Dane had feelings for Sara.

There wasn't much that you could get past Lee. Sure Dane had been able to fool everyone else, but Lee knew better, he knew people. But one thing he also knew about Dane's feelings, were that they weren't strong enough for him to actually go and tell Sara how he felt about her. He had too much pride for his own good, and he was too arrogant - so he hid his feelings away well, so much to the point that he himself probably didn't even realize that the aggravation he felt towards Sara was just his own pent up emotions trying to get out that had never had the chance to be communicated to her.

Dane rolled his eyes at Lee's comment, somehow snapping out of his trance. "It doesn't." He replied, "It just ticks me off." He said, storming in the opposite direction of Lee, leaving him alone.

Lee shook his head. All his friends were idiots, it was something that he had become accustomed to, but when it came to Dane and Sara - He just wished that the two of them would confess their feelings for one another once and for all, and be honest - but they were both too stubborn, and hardheaded for their own good.

They always had been and they always would be, Lee knew that for a fact. He just hoped that whatever they decided on - whether to ignore their feelings for one another, or to be truthful about them - that it wouldn't ruin their friendship in the long run.

He sighed deeply, clutching the book in his hand against his thigh. He wished that he didn't have as much free time as he did to inspect other people's lives and instead wished he could focus on worrying about his own.

He shifted his gaze down by the water to see Thomas and Natalie relaxing at the edge of the sand, laying in one another's arms, laughing about something that he couldn't hear. He turned back around to see Sara still flirting with the guy she had been talking to earlier. He glanced around until his eyes landed on Dane, who was currently leaning against the beach bar with his arm dangled around the shoulders of a leggy red head.

If Lee was being honest, he was lonely. Not to the point that he'd just be happy with anyone showing him the slightest bit of attention, but he wanted to be with someone he could talk with and not to, someone to joke with, someone that understood him without him having to explain himself. He wanted to be around someone like that that wasn't one of his friends.

As the water from the ocean rolled up on his toes, snapping him from his thoughts, he looked back out to the beach, seeing a few women smiling at him. He shook his head slightly and headed back over to his chair, laying under the shade of the umbrella and opening his book.

He'd find a companion eventually, someone to love and someone that would love him back. It just wouldn't be today. He'd wait for the right person to fall right into his life, and when they did, he would be ready to go after them with all that he had - no hesitations.

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(Updated: September 25th, 2020): Love you guys. Hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have! It's probably been one of my favorites to write. 😭


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