Chapter 6; Erik and Christine

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Erik walked to his cave, and laid Christine on his bed. He sat down, and saw her neck was red. Erik tried everything he could to wake her, but nothing worked. He began to lose hope of ever having his beloved Christine. He finally knew there was nothing to do, so he kissed her one last time. He could feel something inside of him grow, the longer he touched her lips. Wait, it was her! She opened her eyes, and he noticed her eyelashes had dirt. He licked his finger, and wiped it off.

“Erik?” She asked, he voice weak and airy.

“Rest he said.” He put a wet towel that soaked cold water, and placed it on her forehead. “You’re too weak. You need your strength.” He removed the drenched towel for an instant, and kissed her forehead, then walked away.

A few hours later she woke up and wanted some air. She removed the towel, and walked out of his room. She noticed he was on the floor where she’d been the first time she was here. She laid next to him stroking his hair.”

“Mmmm.” He said. He rolled away from her, and rolled back with his eyes open. “Christine, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I just wanted some air.”

“How are you feeling?”


As Christine and Erik continued to talk, Christine fell tired and slept next to the phantom. She knew he would protect her if Raoul gave her any ideas.

The next morning Erik woke up earlier than Christine and went out to buy something.

As Christine opened her eyes, she saw Erik watching over her. “Erik, I don’t need anyone to watch over me.”

“Christine, I loved you since the way I first heard you sing. I knew from there, I needed you with me, to be my wife.” He grabbed something from his pocket, and pulled it out. “Christine, I thought I should do this the old fashion way.” She noticed Erik was on one knee, in a tie, with a red box, opened to reveal a diamond ring. “Christine, will you-.”

“YES!” She shouted with happiness. She kissed him and hugged him. The kiss was different this time. They could both feel something physically. They felt the pressure of each other tongues.

“Erik, I just want to say thank you. You always were there for me, and I never noticed that you were my true love.”

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