Chapter 7; Love Will Continue

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Christine trashed the wedding dress that she was wearing the day she was going to marry Raoul. Instead this dress, was black that had white accents. She wore the veil that night Raoul was in a noose, and wore the green emerald ring on her right finger. The wedding theme was black. They wanted their wedding a secret, so they would keep their marriage a secret.

Erik wore a mask of both sides of his face, and Christine wore the veil, to the point where you couldn't see her face.

"Do you, Le FantômeDe L'Opèra take Miss. Christine Daaé to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold till death do you part?" The priest asked Erik

"I do."

"Do you, Miss. Christine Daaé take Le FantômeDe L'Opèra to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold till death do you part?"

"I do."

"Now, by the power vested in my, I pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." After that statement, the priest walked away, and they could hear the car leave.

Erik leaned in for a kiss, but Christine was too quick. She kissed him and it felt normal to be kissing Erik. She kinda liked the feeling she got when her lips touched Erik's. Suddenly the feeling went away. Every feeling. All the feelings inside of her. She couldn't feel a thing. Her legs went numb and everything around her fell apart. Her vision became blurry, and she noticed she heard a gunshot. She turned around and saw a man with a gun. She fell to the ground. Erik fell with her, for the man had shot both of them. She looked at Erik. "Erik, I love you."

"Christine, I love you too." He faded away and slowly grew pale. Christine's life was fading. Suddenly the man who had shot them walked over to Christine whose life was almost out, kissed her. She moved like she couldn't feel anything. He said, "Little Lotte."


Erik and Christine truly loved each other, but Christine was blinded by Raoul's charm. Christine thought she was doing the right thing by marring Raoul, but it wasn't. It wasn't until a few days before Christine and Raoul's wedding, she discovered Erik was dead. At her wedding, she noticed Erik in the back and said no. She couldn't marry Raoul, for she loved another. Meanwhile, after the weeding, Raoul almost killed Christine, Erik and Raoul right over Christine. Erik won, and took care of Christine, and proposed the next day. At their wedding, the priest fled, knowing that Raoul would come. Raoul then shot Christine and Erik and thought that would make Christine love him, but that made her hate him more. Erik and Christine live in heaven, but Erik and Christine's love will continue in their hearts.

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