Chapter 1; Erik

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Christine Daaé was lying on a couch in her wedding gown. Tomorrow was her wedding day! She was excited to finally wear white and was down the aisle. The thoughts going through her head, was not the excitement of what her future with Raoul will be, but the fears of what happened the week before. She knew that Erik was dead, she knew that he didn't want her. And most of all, she knew that Erik didn't love her, like she once did.

"Come in." Christine said immedently after she heard knock on the door. A man in a suit walked in. He walked over to her and stood in front of her, holding her hands. "Christine, my wonderful fiancée. I'm looking forward to our marriage tomorrow. I have everything set-." He couldn't finish because Christine stood up and started walking away. "Christine, what's the matter dear?"

"Oh Raoul, you are such a loving man, but right now I need time to think."

"I understand. Come and get me if you need any assistance." He closed the door behind him. Christine walked towards a mirror. She touched the glass. "This was the mirror where I first met him." She mumbled under her breath. Christine had the mirror from the Opera house brought to her room where she was staying. She looked up to the ceiling. "Erik, why? Why did you have to leave me?"

"If he dies, I will never forgive myself." Christine told Erik. Erik looked at Raoul with half of his life almost gone. He looked at the ground. "And you'll never forgive me." He mumbled. He walked over to Raoul and looked at Christine with a face that told her he loved her.

The next thing she knew, she was Raoul charging at her. He quickly hugged her, but he knew if he waited too long, Erik could change his mind. He grabbed her hand to signify to leave, but she stood grounded. His feet were directly facing Erik. She turned around to see Raoul. He put his hand over the shoulder and they walked off through the darkness. Erik noticed a shadow in the distance. He ignored it, knowing it was the army looking for him. He took off his mask, set it down on the table and sat down.

He heard a voice calling his name. "Erik?" The voice called. He disregarded the voice shouting. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and his head turned far enough that he saw a thin torso with a dress. He knew it was Christine. He slowly stood up, and turned around. He saw Christine holding a ring out in her palm. "Christine, I'm sorry." Erik grabbed the ring and placed it in a box on the same table that his mask was laying on. When he turned around to bid his final goodbye, she hugged up. It was such a powerful hug, you might say that it was out of love, not pity. She pulled away from the passionate hug and stared into his warm eyes. She leaned close to hi, until they were a few millimeters away. She didn't know whether to stare at him or focus. She decided to do both. Her eyes kept looking at the lips, then transferred to his eyes.

Soon, Christine could feel something against her lips. She knew it was Erik's. And she knew she liked the feeling of the sensation that came from the kiss. The passionate hug transformed into a passionate kiss. Slowly, and all at once, her lips pulled away from his. Then, the sensation was gone.

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