Chapter 2; No Matter What the Cost

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Christine licked her lips and spoke. "Erik,"

"No, don't." He put his finger over her mouth. "I'm sorry." He guided her towards the exit. "Go."

Christine kissed Erik on the hand, and headed towards the door.

"I want you to kill the Phantom of the Opera, no matter what the cost."

"Raoul!" Christine shouted and ran to him. He hugged her in his arms.

"Are you finished with what you had to do?" He asked her

"Yes. Let's go home."

Meanwhile, the phantom looked at his mask, and put it on his face. He heard footsteps and he shouted, "who's there?!" No one answered. He decided to ignore it, and he went to his desk. The only thing he heard, was a shot gun.

The next day, in Christine's dressing room with Raoul and a man knocked on the door. "Come in." She said with her small frail voice.

"I have a letter for you."

"Thank you." Christine opened the letter and saw a poster. At the top it said in big bold words "THE DEATH OF THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA." She looked below for more information, "He was shot by an army shoulder. He was found dead in his cave, wearing a ring of pure emerald. He was by his desk with a hole through his heart. We have no remains of him, except of his mask. His mask will be displayed in the souvenir shop in the Paris Opera house, and it will say "the last of the very ghost who haunted his opera. He was known was the phantom of the opera."

Christine dropped the paper, and fainted. A few hours later, she gained conscious. Her heart sank. Her heart felt like it broke in half, and will never recover. She knew it was the end of him, and there was no chance of changing that. She cried, for she thought her beloved Erik would live forever.

Days passed and Christine knew she would never see him again. She coped with the issue, and her heart began recovering, but there was one little part of it that diminished and never will come back.

That night, on the same day when Christine discovered that Erik was dead, Raoul proposed. He took her to a beautiful Italian restaurant on the water, looking out to see the moon and the stars.

After their meal, he look her on a boat and gave her a glass of wine. On the stem of the wine glass, she saw a ring. She pulled the ring off the stem, which could come off because they used fake glasses. She handed the ring to Raoul and he put it on her finger.

"You look nice with that on. How would you like to wear it, for the next 60 years?"

"I would love to marry you Raoul." He hugged her and she knew it was wrong, celebrating on Erik's death, but in her heart, she knew he would have wanted it this way.

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