Chapter 2

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Their school uniform at the top.

Finn's P.O.V.

Today is the first day of school and I got my uniform yesterday and everything is still a little big, so I have to wear a belt for my pants.
I changed into my uniform and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
Mom had already left for work and so did Nigel, so it was just the triplets and I.
I got myself a PopTart and ate it quickly while making sure I had everything in my backpack.
I made my lunch which consisted of a sandwich, a juice box, chips, and gummy bears.
Gummy bears are my favourite thing in the world and I always make sure mom buys them when she goes grocery shopping.

Somebody put me in a headlock and I looked up to see Tanner.
I squirmed around trying to get away from him and he laughed at my attempts.
"How come you always wear hats?" He asked.
"Because I like hats. Now let go of me." I answered.
He punched me in the arm with his free hand and let me go.
I put my lunch in my backpack and I put my backpack on.
I turned around and bumped into Kyle who sent me flying backwards because he's a damn brick wall.
He laughed at me and walked away.

I got up off the floor and went into the living room where Silas was.
I sat down on the couch and he smirked at me.
I tried to get up to run away, but he put his arm out and stopped me.
He grabbed my sweater and lifted me up with one hand like he did before and spun around like before as I screamed.
I grabbed onto his arm so I wouldn't fall and he put me down after three minutes of me begging him to.

"Guys, come on. The bus is gonna be here soon." Tanner called as he walked out the front door with Kyle.
I walked outside with Silas trailing behind me and he locked the door.

"Your uniform is so big on you." Kyle laughed as I fixed my sweater and shirt since Silas pulled it out while tormenting me.
"Yeah, what size is that shirt? Its so little!" Tanner laughed.
"Not telling you because you'll make fun of me." I replied.
Somebody grabbed my neck causing me to shriek and I felt them take the tag out of my shirt to see.
"Extra small." I heard Silas laugh as he put the tag back in.
Kyle and Tanner laughed and Kyle said "I'm surprised they even make the pants that small!"
"I had to have them hemmed to fit." I mumbled.
They all laughed again and I saw the bus pull up to our stop.
Kyle pushed me in between Tanner and him and we got on the bus.

Tanner walked towards the back of the bus and I was about to follow him, but Kyle grabbed my backpack and pulled me back towards the front.
"Sit." He demanded shoving me in an empty bus seat near the front.
I sighed as he and Silas walked to the back of the bus.

There was nobody on the bus yet, so I'm assuming we're the first stop. The bus picked up lots of other kids and then drove to the humongous school and dropped all of us off.

I went to the office and got my locker number and schedule from it and found my locker. I opened it and put my backpack in it and took out my binders for my classes.
I looked at my schedule to see what I had first:

Period #1: Grade 10 Science
Room: 219

Period #2: Grade 9 English
Room: 235


Period #3: Construction class
Room: 139

Period #4: Grade 9 Math
Room: 125

I had to take grade 10 Science because it was either that or Grade twelve math and I can't take Grade twelve classes since I'm in grade nine.

I found my first period class and walked in. There was nobody in there, not even the teacher. Since I am smaller than the other kids, I sat at the front so I would be able to see.
I started playing a game on my phone and the classroom door opened.
"What the fuck are you doing in this class?" I heard Silas ask.
"I had to take it because all the other grade 9 classes were full." I answered looking all the way up at him.
"Why are you in this class? It's for grade 10's. You're in grade 11." I asked.
"It's a split class. Half grade tens, half grade elevens." He answered.
I sighed and the door opened and a bunch of other kids walked in.
"I'm gonna make your life a living hell." Silas smirked and pushed me out of my seat.
I fell to the ground and quickly got up as the other kids laughed.
Silas sat at the back of the class and all the other students took their seats.
The bell rang and the teacher walked in.

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