Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven


"So I assume you've been to the sschool before," I said, completely out of breath. I've never laughed that hard in my life.

He nodded. "It's actually really fun. We just work with out elements mostly."

I frowned, "Are elements supernatural?"

"Um," his eye brows crinkled together, "No, not really. Supernatural is aiming towards ghosts and demons."

My frown deepened, "Darn, 'cause I like supernatural things."

He laughed, "Really? And you want to be a demon?"

"Half demon," I giggled.

He chuckled. "That's not natural at all."

"Than I guess that's why they call it 'supernatural!'"


I bit my lip as the bus approached the school. If I remember right, I've dreamed about this place.

Raechelle wiggled my shoulder slightly. "You okay?" she asked.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine."

"No you're not," she accused.

"I am, okay?" I said, "Just a little worried."

She raised an eyebrow.

"I've had a dream about this place..."


"And it wasn't pretty."

"Tell me."

So I did. And when I finished, she said, "We're screwed."


"I'm a spirit user, okay?" Amy said to Nolan as he argued that purple eyes meant light.

"God Nolan! Shut up! She's a frickin' spirit user!" I eventaully butted in.

"Oh, and what are you?" he asked.

"What do you think, idiot? Oh, wait, you don't think!"

He frowned.

I'm not usually a mean person. Okay, pretty much never. And I hated being mean. "Um," I said, "I'm a thunder user." To prove my point, I made some thunder sound in the distance.

A few kids around us looked up when they heard the thunder.

"No wonder you're eyes are-"

"I don't want to hear it Nolan!"

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