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Before I start this chapter thank you so much for 10k views. It honestly means so much xx ENJOY MY SPIDERLINGS 🕷🕷🕷🕸🕸🕸

Tony was in his lab, per usual, he was working on an update for FRIDAY. "Boss, firstly hurry up with my update, secondly Peter has arrived" Tony shot up from his desk ,choosing to ignore the previous comment, and ran to the common room "Hi Mr Stark, oh do I have some things to tell you" tony laughed and walked down to the lab with peter "Okay what the news?" Peter took a deep breath "Okay so, I was at home and I was clearing some off Uncle Bens stuff out of the garage, and I found a helmet that I wore to the stark expo in 2011, and I remember being there and you signed my iron man helmet, oh but that's not even the best part, so, I was outside when everything went down with hammer and there was a robot by me, and me being the stupid kid I was held my hand up with a fake repulser on it, but because I had the helmet on the robot was about to shoot me, so then out off no where you came and you shot a repulser at him before turning to me and saying 'good job kid' and I thought it was the best thing in the world." Tony was shocked, of course that kid, that stupid kid, was his kid. Of course it was. Who else would've had the courage to do that "Mr stark, you okay" tony jumped of his seat and engulfed the teen in a hug, "I don't know how it's possible, but you just need me love you even more pete" peter smiled and wrapped his arms around him "and guess what Mr Stark, I still have the helmet". Peter pulled out the signed helmet from his bag, and sure enough it had Tony's signature on it "Oh I remember, you were that kid that I saw when I was going outside and I signed your helmet" peter had teary eyes "you remember" tony looked down at the kid "of course I remember, I remember every kid I've ever met. I also reminder stupid kids who thing they can fight robots at 7"


The team were sat in the common room waiting for their favourite two people to get home from school "peter Parker and Taylor Parker have arrived" they all shot up from their seats and ran to the elevator eagerly waiting for the twins .ding. Two soaking wet teens walked out "what the hell happened to you" Natasha said walking in front of them "language" Natasha rolled her eyes "doesn't matt" Taylor cut him off "Flash put peter head in the toilet and then when i tried to rip flash of off him he..... he said some things" Taylor said with tears in her eyes. Peter ran up to her and hugged her whispering in her ear that it was okay "what the heck did that female dog say!" Natasha demanded "peter I think we need to tell them" peter looked up at Taylor and nodded. "I think it's better if you sit down" the team nodded and sat down.

"Okay so when Loki invaded New York me and peter were were in one of the buildings. May had to talk to someone about. bens death there so we had to go, halfway through the meeting a Chitauri smashed into the meeting room and killed the person who was giving out bens will, turns out that without that person then every thing that Ben left us with would be gone, that includes all the money. Flash was saying that it was my fault because I was supposed to sit where the person was sat but it was right by a window looking down onto a busy street and it was the same street Ben died on so they offered to move places with me" Taylor was crying "so I'm basically the reason that May has to work so much to take care of us" tony was the first to hug her. Her peter and tony were a family, a very wierd family but still a family. "So when that happened Taylor jumped out the window, she had her powers, and told the hulk where Loki was" everyone looked at Bruce "Your the kid that told me where Loki was?!" Taylor nodded " wow so let me get this straight, Taylor got so mad with an alien that she jumped out a 12 story window just to tell the hulk where Loki was" the twins nodded at tony "you too really are something special, also I shall be having words with the school. Seriously who calls their kid flash.!?"

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