That Night

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"Wow Ali you are such a slut." Spencer said playfully.

"We'll I couldn't choose between Austin or Riley so I chose both. Like I said before what they don't know won't hurt them haha besides Austin doesn't even talk to Riley and they're in different grades." Ali defended.

"Yeah but Austin lives next door to Riley." Hanna reminded.

"So what I could always lie." Ali explained.

Hanna POV

After a long conversation about Austin and Riley we decided to watch Mean Girls.

I woke up to the sound of Spencer screaming where's Ali?

"What do you mean where's Ali." Aria asked nervously?

"As in she's gone. All I know is that I was sleep and I woke up and she was gone." Spencer replied.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom" I said.

I picked up my phone and began to dial Ali's number. I put it on speaker so we could all hear. It ranged a couple of times then we heard her ringtone and knew something was wrong. It's not like Ali to disappear without her phone. She loves that thing and she's always on it more than any other teenager.

"We should probably call 911!" Emily freaked.

We all agreed and I call 911.

"Hello I like to report a missing person. Her name is Alison Dellurintis. We are in Rosewood our street name is Easthill." I said.

"Okay what is your address?" The operator women replied.

"326 Easthill Lane" I replied.

"Okay someone should be over there in 5mins."she said.

I hung up the phone and looked at Spencer and told her that we need to wake up her parents. Everyone said that would be best. We all got out of the shed and ran inside.

Spencer POV

"MOM DAD!!!" I yelled.

They quickly shot up and looked at me angrily. I told them that Ali was missing and that we called the cops. My mom pulled out her phone and called Ali's mom while my dad came down stairs with us.

Once we got down stairs to meet the others. The doorbell ranged. Hanna walked over to it and answered and 2 policemen stood outside the door. My dad went up to the door and invited them in. The cops came in and asked us about Ali and what she looked like. Five minutes later the door bell ranged again and my mom answered it. It was Ali's family.

The cops began to talk to her family and me and the girls looked scared. We didn't know what to really think all we knew was that our best friend went missing and we don't know who what or why?

"We need to take you guys in for questioning?" The Officer Garrett said.

"Ok." We all said.

The car ride to the station was silent. We all stared out the window thinking about everything and trying to process everything that had happened. I'm the confused of them all cause me and Ali stayed up late together. In fact I was the last person to fall asleep, so how could Ali be missing and not all of us?

Emily POV

We get up to the police station and we all walk in the interrogation room.

"When was the last time you guys saw Ali?" Garrett said.

"We were all at Spencer's shed for a sleep over." I replied.

"In fact I was the last one to fall asleep. Ali feel asleep right after we watched Magic Mike." Spencer added.

"When you and Ali were watching Magic Mike did she say or do anything unusual?" Garrett asked.

"No but when we tried to call Ali's phone it was with us in the shed." Spencer said.

"Yeah it's not like Ali to leave her phone she is always on it. She hates being away from her phone for long periods of time." Hanna stated.

"Well that's something to think about. Well thanks girls we will call you if something new happens. We will do everything in our power to try to find your friend Ali." Garrett announced.

We all said thank you and walked out the interrogation room. Once we left that room that was the last time I've ever seen Hanna, Aria, and Spencer.

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