Detective or Date?

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Hanna POV

"Oh and Hanna I know that there's a guy in our basement." She said before she left for her 58th date with freak show Wilden.

"Caleb! She knows you can come up now!" I yelled when my mom left.

"Wow you are a horrible liar." He said coming up the stairs.

"What ever." I rolled my eyes.

Caleb was typing on his computer like he was searching for the cure for Ebola.

"I FOUND IT!" He yelled with excitement.

"Found what?"

"Okay so I read the A text and I got the computer signal and I traced it like that and I know where it's coming from." He said showing me his findings.


"The Rose Motel." He pointed to his computer screen.

"So that means that A wants us to find something. Come on." I said grabbing my keys and my purse heading out to the door.

Me: I know where the A texts are coming from

Aria: where?

Me: the rose motel its 3 hours away me and Caleb are gonna go

Aria: be safe Hanna

Me: ok

Aria: promise?

Me: promise

Spencer POV

"You brought Sherlock Holmes; you have a really good taste." I said as he popped in the movie.

"Yes. I love being or feeling like a detective." He said coming to join me on my bed.

"That's sexy."

"Like you." He said giving me a kiss. His lips are smooth as a baby's butt.

Aria: follow Hanna and Caleb to the Rose Motel they found where the texts are coming from

Me: ugh ok

"Toby it is time for a road trip." I said getting up from his lap and grabbing my keys and my phone.

"Aww where are we going?"

"Detective work." I said walking down stairs.

"Count me in babe." He said getting into my car.


"We been driving for 2 hours where are we going?" Toby asked a little annoyed.

"Hanna is digging into As drama and we kinda need to help her before she gets herself hurt." I said keeping my eyes on the road like a good driver would.

"Oh in that case you should be speeding." Toby laughed.


Two chapters cause they were both short. Sorry that they probably suck but I've been more focused on my book "Sexting" that I've been too busy for this one






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