Because of you

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Emily POV

It has been a week since A has embarassed us at school. I stayed in my room and haven't talked to anyone at all not even my own mother.

Hanna POV

"Hanna you need to go back to school you can't drop out. Everyone forgot what even happened." Mona said as she wiped away my tears.

"But Mona I can't I feel like Allison is still out there trying to mentally break me again. You worked so hard on helping me become who I am and look A is tearing me apart." I cried even harder.

"Hanna Ali is dead she can't hurt you anymore. 2 years ago we promised to take care of each other and I tend to keep that promise whether you like it or not." Mona said handing me tissues.

" I use to think that theyre divorce was my fault that is why I ate so much. Even whe I wasn't hungry." I confessed.

"look Hanna you're one of my bestfriends and Im glad I have you okay. Think about your boyfriend Caleb you have to stay strong for him. He's trying to protect you too but you have to tell him what's going on so he can help.

When Mona said that I thought about the first time me and Caleb kissed. I felt sparks. Sparks that i've never felt before. I love him so much that I shouldn't waste my time crying just because of A.

"Can we go to the mall and Starbucks?" I asked Mona wiping away my tears.

Mona just laughed and grabbed my hand and we ran to her car. I could feel my walls building back up.

Spencer POV

I told Melissa the truth finally and I feel like a weight has been lifted. Telling the truth actually feels good. I lied so much that I was kinda ammuned to it. I was like a poisonous snake poison.

But on the good note Toby is coming over to help me talk to Emily about everything. Me and him have been dating for almost two weeks. I figured its better I tell him before someone as in A tell her first.

Toby: Are you okay babe?

Me: Yes thanks for asking though.

Toby: Can I come over so we can have another cuddle sesh?

Me: sure why not

After I texted Toby I decided to talk to the girls. it would be the first outta a week. Which was strange for us.

Me: is everyone okay?

Hanna: I finally stopped crying and im shopping with my bestfriend Mona

Emily: would you guys still be my friends if I was attracted to girls more than boys

Aria: Yes your out best friend.

Aria: Friendship is more important than your sexuality

Hanna: Yeah if anyone has anything to say about it Aria can get her tazer and taze some ass.

Me: why would you think that we wouldn't

Emily: Cause I talked to my mom about it and she said I would go to hell

Hanna: well in that case half of the people in our class would got to jail.

Emily: yeah I guess your right Its just I expected her to support me in all my decisions good or bad

Aria: want my mom to talk to her about it

Emily: you could try

Me: I love you Emily never forget that

Emily: Thanks I needed that Spence

Hanna: #Spemily

Aria: hanna stop shipping stuff

Hanna: I love you too Aria

Me: Haha

Emily: We Are Titanium

Aria: Are you trapped in your feels

Emily: No just I think back at what A has done to us and there's pros and cons

Me: A has brought us a better friendship

Hanna: Yeah

Aria: I Love You Guys

Hanna: I Love Yall Too

Emily: Love you guys wouldn't trade you for the world

Me: i love you guys and our friendship

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