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Emily POV

I haven't talked to the girls since I got the A text. I kinda feel guilty about the thing with Toby and everything. I try my best to avoid them in the hallways. And I don't even answer their texts.

Hanna POV

"I gotta stay high all the time just to get you off my mind." I sang with my eyes close walking down the hallways till I ran into someone.

It was Emily of course. Im glad it was her cause if it was a stranger I would've asked someone to hold my hoops.

"Hey Emily where have you been the past 3 days?" I asked.

"No where." She said surreptitiously.

"You sure?" I asked curiously.

She just nodded her head and ran off literally. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and began to create a group chat with everyone but Emily.

Me: I think Emily is hiding something

Aria: y u say that?

Me: cause I asked her where she been and she got all ape freak shit on me

Spencer: maybe she's need some time alone for the A shit were into

Aria: Or kinda bum about her dad being in the military

Hanna: Erm I don't know I don't get a good vibe from it

I put my phone up and got into my car. I turned my car on and saw Emily from a far. I was going to talk to her again but I saw Toby walked up to her. I'd thought maybe he was blackmailing her but then he kissed her. Being the protective self I am I was going to kick his ass. But then I saw her kiss him back. Passionately!!

Spencer POV

"I think imma join field hockey." I told Melissa.

"Are you ready to get the shit knocked outta you." Melissa laughed.

"I could be the one knocking the shit outta people." I joked.

"Haha sure you can. But hey want to do you want to go to Starbucks with me?" Melissa asked grabbing her keys.

"Sure" I said grabbing my purse and my phone.

We got into the car and turned on the radio our all time favorite song came on the radio. It's kinda nice that I can have this little moment with my sister.

We use to be best buddies, but now we're not; I'd wish she would tell me why.

Seems like every since she went off to college and dating Ian she forgot all about me. She turned into a huge bitch. But Im happy when we hang out. Its reminds me of the old days.

Hanna POV

"Thanks for coming over Caleb."

"Sure thing cutie." He winked

We walked over to the kitchen and I brought out peanut butter cookies.

"So what are we?" Caleb asked curiously.

"Hmm I don't-"

I started to say but being cut off by my phone ringing making me jump.

-Photo Message-
Maybe you should reevaluate your friendship -A

"What's wrong." Caleb asked with a concerned face.

"It's complicated." I said

"I like complicated." He laughed.

"Well can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Yes, plus who would I tell." Caleb said seriously.

"Well there's this person named A sending us these weird messages and its like they are stalking us. We think its Ali but we aren't sure. And remember how I got hit by a car. Well that was setup by A." I confessed.

"Do you want me to track the number?" Caleb asked.

"It doesn't have one." I said.

"Why haven't you told the police? Im pretty sure that they would help you." He stated.

"Not when we have lied and everything to them. We are too young to go to jail." I started to whisper.

"But you would at least know who's A" He said.

I just looked at him not saying anything. I know I can trust him but I can't get him involved. Im starting to like him.

Caleb came up to and gave me a hug.

"It's gonna be alright Hanna. Since you don't want to tell the police, Ill help you find who ever A is. Plus I need some extra thrill in my life." Caleb said.

"Thanks so much." I said turning around wrapping my arms around his neck while he put his hands on my waist.

I gave him a kiss and he kissed me back. I felt something that I didn't ever feel with Jordan. I felt the sparks. And it was amazing.

Aria POV

"Emily what the fuck you're dating the enemy?" I yelled.

"You don't understand Aria he's not the same guy who we thought he was." I yelled back.

"But seriously you can't date him he's threatened to tell the police that we blinded Jenna." I yelled stating that I was clearly correct.

"So what we need to start telling the truth from now on and maybe that fucking A wont have shit to black mail us about." Emily said with her voice getting louder.

"Emily you're not understanding. If we do then everything we did in the past would start to unravel then that would lead to more questions and we would get accused of Ali's murder." I said more calmly.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Emily said.

"Good okay so imma talk to the other girls and explain our conversation so they won't give you a hard time." I said assuring her that everything was alright.

Ms. Marin POV

"Thanks for the flowers and the wonderful date Wilden." I said before giving him a kiss on the lips.

"Welcome babe. Call me okay. I love you." He said warmly smiling.

"I love you too." I said smiling.




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