The Mistress is Back

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Aria POV

I walked into the class texting my friends who were already in class already. I got to my seat not really paying attention to anything.

"Hello I'm your new teacher Ms.Green."

I looked up and noticed that it was the same girl who slept with that day in the car when me and Ali was walking by.

Me: what the fuck is she doing here

Hanna: Most importantly does your mom know about this

Emily: better yet her dad

Spencer: I'm pretty sure he knows cause come on he's our principal

Me: this bitch needs to leave like I honestly don't want her here. My mom finally stopped crying and I don't need her starting back up.

Emily: come on look at her all cheesin and shit like everything is all good.

Hanna: her and her dirty little secret

Me: more then dirty like I want to put an ax to this bitch face

Spencer: just don't be like Hanna slapping blind people

Hanna: hey she deserved that slap

Emily: lmfao sure..

Class has finally ended and I was so ready to leave this bitch.

"Aria can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure whatever." I said in my bitchy tone.

The girls stayed in the classroom fully supporting me. I was glad they stayed cause if they didn't I would've have killed this bitch and went to jail for real.

"Alone?" She asked looking at Hanna and the crew.

Hanna gave her, her bitch face and left.

"I'm sorry about what I did and everything I was hoping that we could look past it."

"No not really. Cause you slept with my dad and you don't clearly know what it's like hearing your own mother crying herself to sleep at night." I said clearly angry.

"Okay imma put it like this. Either you move past it or Ill talk to Mr.Fitz or as you call him Ezra that Im gonna tell the principal that you guys are sleeping together." She said in her bitch tone and gave me a brave look.

I just turned around and walked away to my friends who were outside. Im pretty sure they heard everything that was said.

"Do you want me to slap a bitch?" Hanna asked.

"No she wants to play hard ball. Ill play hard ball." I said.

I walked away to my dad's office. Surprisingly he was in his class. I kinda expected him to not be in there.

"What the fuck. Why did you hire your fucking mistress." I yelled.

"Aria calm down you don't under--"

"Yeah you damn right I don't. Is it because you want to fuck her some more. You hurt mom once and now you're just looking for to hurt her some fucking more. You're so fucking pathetic. And I can't believe I call you my dad." I said before feeling a slight pain on the side of my face.

My dad had slapped me. I could feel my face turning red from his hand.

"Yeah we don't hit girls that's not what real men do. Bullshit!" I yelled before storming out.

Everyone just looked and whispered. Im pretty sure they heard everything. Honestly at this point I don't care.

I walked around the whole school looking form Hanna. I wanted to go back to her place. I was so sick of school right now. This place is too much drama.

I always thought life after Alison was going to be easy but I guess not.

"Hanna I want to leave." I said.

I felt a tear drop stream down my face.

"Aria what happened why are you crying?" She asked more concerned.

"I'll tell you in the car." I said.

We walked to her car. She drove to her house since I was staying there for the week.

"Can I stay here longer?" I asked.

"Yeah but you have got to tell me why."

"Well I went to talk to my dad and I was mad about his whole mistress thing being my teacher then he slapped me." I said breaking down into tears.

"Oh hell no Aria you need to tell your mom."

"I will just not now." I lied.

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