The talk

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Emily POV

After school I went over to Maya's house. I desperately needed to talk to her. It was really important.

I got out my car and went to her front door. Knocking on it three times like a normal person would do it, unlike Hanna who goes all Ape shit with it.

The front door opened and it was Maya of course.

"Hey Emily you needed to talk?" She asked?

"Yes. I wanted to talk about that kiss. It's been really killing me."

She stepped outside and closed her front door. She looked left and right in a very surreptitious way. Like she had a secret.

"I'm so sorry about it, I know you have a boyfriend and all so it's not my place."

"No the problem is that I liked it. And I don't know what it means. I even tried to talk to my mom about it but she doesn't agree with it. She gives me a hard time and I feel like no one can really understand me but you." I confessed.

"Can you even admit that your gay?"

"No I'm afraid if I do things would change." I said looking carelessly down at the ground.

"Emily listen if or when you do the world will still keep spinning and life would still go on."

"But you don't really get where I'm coming from. No secret isn't safe kept anymore."

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"I don't want to get you involved."

Aria POV

I got out the car to the police station. I decided to talk to my dad.

I walked in the building and came across a lady at the front desk.

"Name." She said so dry.

"Aria Montgomery."

She pointed to the door and another officer took me to a room where my father was waiting for me.

"Hey Aria. I am so sorry for slapping you I know you hate me-"

"I'm not here for you to talk. I want you to listen and listen good. I'm done with you getting bad and getting good then getting bad again. You done but bring drama to the family." I said in a bitchy tone. Bitchier than ever really.


"I said fucking listen!" I said slamming my hands on the table.

"I know you killed my brother." I whispered turning around to leave him thinking about what I said.

Even though I wasn't sure if he did I want him to be scared of me. I spent all these years terrified of him. Now it's my turn to play the big bad wolf.

Spencer POV

"You said what?" I asked over the phone.

"All I said is that I know you killed my brother." Aria replied as innocent as she could sound.

"You can't do that. What if he didn't?"

"Then I'll deal with it." She replied.

"Alright well I have to go. Toby is coming over in a few." I happily said.

Boy who cried wolf; more like bitches who tell lies -A

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