Trap House

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Hanna POV

We came up to the Rose Motel. It looks like it is abandoned but the open sign lights were still on.

"Do we trust this Hanna like come on we don't even know if this isn't a trap." Caleb said obviously trying to stop me.

"Caleb this could be my chance finding out who's A and stopping them." I said.

"But you don't have to play the hero." Caleb said as a pair of headlights were coming our way.

"Who the hell is that." I said grabbing Caleb behind the huge bush.

"I-" he started to say before I covered up his mouth.

"Hanna I know you're here." Spencer said getting out of his car.

My phone started to ring and I instantly got caught.

"Heyy Spencer how are you this fine evening." I said acting all casual.

"Aria told us you were here and were here to make sure that you won't get hurt." Spencer said.

Before I answered I heard noises coming from the motel. It sounded like a scream. Maybe It's Ali.

"You heard that too?" I asked making sure that I wasn't going crazy.

"Yeah we have to check it out maybe its Ali." Spencer said walking over to where the noise came from.

"Wait for us." Toby said following her with me and Caleb following.

We walked to the side of the building to where a little door was. Toby opened the door and we all followed.

"This must be where Ali is hiding. It's too simple to be As lair." I said before the door slammed shut and locking.

"What the fuck." Caleb said running up to the door trying to get it open.

"It won't open." Toby said panicking.

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