Chapter 5

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"So you put a tracking device on Fett?" I asked Obi- Wan.

"Yes Anna. Do you know where we are coming out now?" He asked me.

"Yes looks like we followed them to the Arikanis System. Geonosis to be much more exact." I answered and smiled when we came out of hyperspace. There in front of us was the planet under the control of the trade federation. We released our rings and went after them. When we got close I saw that they let a sonic charge go, "Obi- Wan we have a sonic charge. We got to split up." I said.

"No follow me." He said and after him I went. It blew and we moved around the asteroids. Many blew apart because of the force. They released another that did separate us and instead of going the same way they did like Kenobi did I went around. I saw them go up and D8 cut the boosters to my T-19 star fighter and we stayed put until they came down and followed Kenobi. They started to shoot at him and I shot at them too. Oh this ought to be fun, "Blast this is why I hate flying." Kenobi said.

"No I'm sure that you don't like flying because of my dear brother." I said. I saw that they hit his ship and then they sent a torpedo after Obi- Wan. It was a heat seeking torpedo that will be a pain to get rid of. I let them go and went after Obi- Wan, "Kenobi that is going to be a pain to get rid of." I said as I tried to shoot at the torpedo after him. D8 beeped at me and I saw they had me locked on their radar. They shot one after me so I went the other way and the first torpedo blew up, "No!" I yelled out frustrated thinking that Kenobi was killed. I pulled a stunt and headed to Jango's ship. I went over them and they shot the missile getting rid of it for me.

"Anna head over to my location." Kenobi's voice sounded through the radio.

"I ought to freaking blow you up Kenobi." I said as I made my way to him the long way. When I saw his ship I sighed in relief.

"Nice of you to join us Anna." Kenobi said. I sensed a smirk on his face.

"You better not have a smirk on your face Obi- Wan because I will slap it off your face." I said. We took off to the planet and made our way down to the ground.

"Lots of Trade Federation ships D8." I said.

"Follow Anna." Kenobi's voice rang through the radio.

"Yes master." I said getting my serious mood back. We landed by a mountain range close to the ships but still reasonably far. I landed first and got off after Kenobi landed his ship. I walked over and checked his ship. The shots didn't make any major damage so no need to repair it. I walked after Obi- Wan and had a quick vision. I stopped and concentrated on it. Anakin went to Tatoonie and took Padme with him. He just found out that our mother was taken and he is determined to find her. When I snapped out of it I saw that Obi- Wan was looking at me worried.

"Anna?" He questioned. How long has he been calling my name.

"Sorry Kenobi just saw something that somehow also includes me." I said. He mentioned me to follow so I did. 

"What was it?" He asked me.

"Anakin doing something. You will find out eventually though." I said and looked over at him we were walking on the ledge after some time we walked into what appeared to be a building. We walked around in silence and stopped at a part where it out looked the making of droids. I'm not surprised it's a droid factory and I wouldn't be surprised if Count Dooku was here, "Seems like someone's getting ready for war." I whispered to Obi- Wan. He looked at me and nodded showing that he agreed with me. We walked away again and went down some stairs. We stood behind a pillar and heard voices to be exact Dooku and two others perhaps more with them that we can't see.

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