Chapter 6

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 Bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz – bzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Liam’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He got off of me and sat on my legs so I couldn’t move. I giggled as he unlocked the screen of his phone. He smiled at the text he just received and stood up taking my hand to pull me up. He looked at me and smiled. I have to say, he’s pretty cute.

“I think it’s time you meet my best friends when it’s not 3 in the morning and half of them are sleeping” Liam winked at me. I nodded and laugh slightly. “What are you doing tonight?” He said.

“I thought I could go to bed early, I’m pretty tired.” I answered. I didn’t get any sleep in two days. I don’t know why, all I do is thinking. About everything. About my life, my parents. Maybe I should stop torturing myself with all the memories. The last two years are gone, I can’t change the past, but I can change the future. I’m not coming back.

“I’m changing your plans! You come with me at my friend’s place. You got two options ; you come with me or I kidnap you. It’s your choice.” He said. I really want to meet his friends, but sincerely I’m too tired to do anything right now. I sat on the couch and glared at him.

“You wouldn’t dare?!” I said, still glaring at him. I grinned evilly and laughed. I know he would. He’s strong enough to lift me. I’m not heavy since I didn’t really eat for the past two years. Eating disorder.. I had a lot of problems for a girl of my age. My parents didn’t really care though; they didn’t even notice that I lost 40 pounds in two months. Anybody would’ve noticed that. I guess they just ignored it. Then I started cutting myself. They noticed that and I explained to them that it felt good, it helped me, and it released the pain. All the emotions I had inside. But that’s not the point.

“Come on, go get ready, we’ll have a little party!” He said, leaving the living room. Wait, what? A party? I’m tired, I don’t want to go to a party. I’m only going to fall asleep in front of a bunch of guys I don’t even know. They will think I’m a lazy person, and I’m far from that!

“ LIAM !! I’m not going if it’s a party. I’m tired.” I yelled from the couch. I heard footsteps coming so I stood up.

“We will be six, Amy. It’s not a big party. And I’m pretty sure you can sleep on the couch if you’re too tired. Please come with me it’ll be fun, and my friends are dying to meet you. And… I may or may not already tell them you were coming.” He pleaded making his puppy dog eyes.

“Ughhh! Fine..” I gave in.

“Yeah! I’m going to buy something to drink, what do you want?” Liam said.

“Erm.. Apple juice!” I said, walking to my room. He followed me laughing. Why is he laughing? What’s so funny about apple juice? “Why are you laughing?” I said.

"When I said something to drink I didn’t mean juice..” He said, laughing.  Of course..

“Oh, okay. So, what did you mean?” I replied, confused.

“I meant alcohol. What do you want?” He said laughing. How old is he? We’re too young to buy alcohol. I gave him a confused look. I just remembered I didn’t ask him his age yet. This is going to be awkward. We live together in his flat but we don’t know each other’s age.

“Liam, how old are you?” I asked, laughing slightly. He looked at me and smiled.

“I think we forgot this detail, haha. I’m 18, you are too, right?” He said, not sure of what I would answer. I looked at the ground shyly knowing it would be awkward when he will know I’m not that old.

“No.. I-I’m 16. And this is really awkward.” I said, laughing nervously. His jaw dropped. His eyes went wide.

“Oh my gosh, you don’t look 16 at all. You look 18, I-I thought you were older.” He said, laughing. He hugged me and said “I still think you’re amazing”. I could feel his smile through my hair. “So, what do you want me to buy?” He asked again, pulling away from me, looking right into my eyes.

“I don’t drink. I mean, not tonight.” I said laughing. He nodded.

“So, I won’t drink too. We can still have fun without getting drunk.” He smiled.

He walked out of my room so I could get ready. I open my closet and look through my clothes. What to wear, what to wear? It’s still sunny outside, but I guess it will get cold tonight. I took a pair of skinny jeans and a grey V-neck. I changed in my new outfit and looked at myself in the mirror hanging on the wall. My hair looks messy. I decided to do it simple and straightened my long, wavy, brown hair. It reaches a bit pass the middle of my back. I put on some make up and walked out the door taking my Abercrombie navy blue hoodie. Liam was waiting for me in the living room. He stood up and we went to the driveway to reach his car.

We upped in the car and drove to his friend’s house. She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5 came on the radio and we both sang along. It’s my favorite song since I watched The Last Song for the first time. I think Ronnie and Will are so cute together in this scene.

“I didn’t know you could sing. Your voice is beautiful” Liam said as we pulled in his friend’s driveway.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me” I winked at him as I unbuckled my seatbelt. Liam opened my door for me. What a gentleman! “Besides, your singing is actually pretty good too.” I said, walking out of the car to reach Liam’s friend’s door. Liam knocked on the door and it took a few second and the door flung open.

A tall guy with curly hair was standing in the doorway. He's gorgeous..


Note ; 

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