Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

“Hi guys” The tall, curly haired boy said opening the door with a cheeky grin. He had those amazing greenish eyes and his smile… God, his smile was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Those dimple. His hair was curled perfectly and looked so soft and fluffy. He was so tall, and I felt so short with my 5ft5”. He was wearing a dark gray Ramones shirt with black skinny jeans and white converse. He was gorgeous. “You must be the famous Amy? Liam talks about you A LOT! It’s nice to finally meet you” He said, motioning us to come inside.

As I stepped inside, I was welcomed by three boys standing in front of me smiling. One of them stepped forward. He had messy brown hair, dark blue eyes and a smile that could make anyone smile. He was wearing a white shirt with black stripes on it with red skinny jeans and white Toms. He took his hand out of his pocket so I could shake it. “Hi, Love. I’m Louis” He said smiling. Wait. I remember him. That’s the one who was driving that night. I know it wasn’t really his fault, it was mine. I shouldn’t have worn that hoodie.

I shook his hand and smile. “Amy.” I said letting go of his hand.

The next one had dirty blond hair and blue eyes. His eyes were as blue as the ocean, blue like the sky, I could easily get lost into his eyes. He had braces, but his smile was perfect. I had braces when I was younger and I have to admit that I was so ugly with these. But now my teeth are perfect. I don’t want to vent myself, but it’s true. His outfit was simple but nice. He was wearing a plain white V-Neck with black skinny jeans and red Supra shoes and a red snapback. He was tall, but not too tall. He’s just a nice height for a boy of his age. He is so cute. Something brought me out of my thoughts as two arms wrapped around me. The cute boy was hugging me. Oh my god. I hugged him back awkwardly.

“Niall, let go of Liam’s girlfriend!” Louis yelled. I pulled away and turned to face him, sticking my tongue out at him in a childish way.

“We’re not dating” Liam and I said simultaneously, glaring at Louis. It’s true, we’re not dating, and I wouldn’t want to date Liam. I mean, he’s a good guy and he took care of me and all. But I don’t need a boyfriend right now. I think I’ve had enough for now.

“I’m Zayn.” The last one said, smiling slightly. He had dark brown hair and also dark brown, unreadable, eyes. He was so mysterious and so attractive. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a plain white T-shirt with a jacket made with jean fabric. They were all so.. They looked amazing. They looked friendly too. I can’t wait to know them. I can’t wait to know why Liam spends all is time with them.

It was now 6pm and we didn’t eat since when we went out for lunch. I sat on the couch between Niall and Liam. Louis and Zayn were on the other couch facing us while Harry was in the kitchen doing I-don’t-know-what. As I leaned against the couch my stomach made a funny sound. I guess I’m hungry.

“Well, somebody’s hungry!” Niall said looking at me, then laughing while looking at my belly. I followed his gaze and looked down at my stomach, laughing at how loud the sound was.

“I guess I am.” I simply replied with a smile.

Harry walked back in the room with papers in his hands. “Okay guys, who’s hungry?” He said setting the papers on the little table in the middle of the room. They all turned to look at me smirking. My face turned red as I blushed of embarrassment. “Okay, what about pizza? Everybody likes pizza!” Harry said picking up his phone and ordering a couple pizzas.

We ate all the pizzas we ordered earlier. Well, Niall and I did. I didn’t know this guy could eat this much, I thought I was the only one on this planet. My appetite is endless. ANYWAYS. We didn’t want to do something that requires energy after dinner so we decided to watch some movies. The first one was a horror movie which I hate. I sat on the couch between Niall and Liam again. I had fun with Niall during dinner, he’s so cute and his laugh makes me want to laugh too even though it’s not funny. We spend the entire time just looking at each other and laugh hysterically.

Niall promised me I won’t be scared, but I hate horror movies. They just scare me; they stop my heart from beating which I think it’s important for a heart to beat. And finally, they keep me from sleeping. I used to watch some with my ex, well he forced me to watch them. I’ve always hated him for making me watch those movies.

The movie started and the first thing I knew, I was burying my face in someone’s shoulder screaming. The lads just turned to look at me. My face turned bright red again as I realized that I just screamed. I pulled my face out of the shoulder and looked up to see Niall smiling slightly. “What’s so funny Nialler?” I asked frowning. He just stared at me smiling.

“You just jumped on me.” He answered, now laughing. I blushed violently and looked at my feet. “I think we should maybe stop this movie, it wasn’t a good idea to make you watch it” He said, patting my thigh gently. Liam looked at my thigh then at Niall and stood up to choose another movie.

“You look tired; do you want to change into something more comfy?” Harry said standing up from where he was, on the other couch. I nodded and followed him in his room. He gave me a pair of sweatpants and went out of the room closing the door so I could change. I went back down stairs placing my skinny jeans in a bag. I sat back next to Liam and Niall as the movie started. I don’t even know what it was but my eyelids were heavy and I had difficulties keeping them open. I leaned to my left falling into someone’s chest, I don’t even know if it was Liam’s or Niall’s but it was comfy. My eyes were shut as I drifted away to sleep.


 A/N :

 Hi peeps, I finally got my laptop back. YAAAYY :) So leave comments and feedback please !

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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