chapter 3

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Scene opens with a view of the sun rising over a lake. The camera pans left to where Appa and the group are on the lake shore. One of the members is apparently asleep in a Water Tribe sleeping bag on the ground. Appa is standing, grazing slowly, while a small fire casts a plume of smoke. Switch to a close of up of Appa with Aang facing the camera, sitting in Appa's "driver's seat." Sarah is up in the passenger section doing some kind of work.)

Aang: (while adjusting Appa's reins) Wait 'til you see it, sarah. The Air Temple is one of the most beautiful places in the world.
Sarah: (cautious) Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home.
Aang: That's why I'm so excited!
Sarah: It's just that a lot can change in all that time.
Aang: I know, but I need to see it for myself.

(Aang floats down from Appa's back and walks over to Sokka, who is snoring peacefully in his sleeping bag on the ground.)

Aang: Wake up, Sokka! Air Temple here we come!

(Sokka awakens, making groggy noises.)

Sokka: Sleep now... temple later...

(He rolls over and begins to snore again. Camera switches back to Aang; his eyes blink accompanied by an audio effect. He is clearly not pleased. A mischievous grin spreads over his face as he gets an idea. Aang picks up a stick as Sarah watches from atop Appa's back.)

Aang: Sokka! Wake up! (He begins to run the stick up and down Sokka's sleeping bag.) There's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!
Sokka: (startled) Aaahhh! Get it off! Get it off! Aaahhh!

(Sokka hops around in his sleeping bag until he loses his balance and falls flat on his face. Sarah laughs at him. Sokka looks very irritated.)

Aang: (pokes his head out from behind Sokka.) Great! You're awake. Let's go.

(Scene fades to a view of a Fire Nation naval yard. Tents and buildings line the right side of the screen, ships line the left and what looks like a railroad line runs down the middle. The screen pans left, eventually resting on Zuko's damaged ship. It is much smaller than the other Fire Nation ships. The prow of Zuko's ship has been opened, its spout lying on the floor of the navy yard. Two figures have walked down the spout and are entering the naval yard itself. Switch to a close up of Zuko and Iroh as they walk into the yard.)

Zuko: Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible. I don't want to stay too long and risk losing his trail.
Iroh: You mean the Avatar?
Zuko: (turning on his uncle angrily)Don't mention his name on these docks! Once word gets out that he's alive every firebender will be out looking for him and I don't want anyone getting in the way.
Zhao: (from offscreen) Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?

(Zuko and Iroh turn to face the camera with somewhat surprised expressions. Cut to Zhao as he approaches them, still speaking. Pan out to show the meeting of the three; Zhao's hands are clasped behind his back authoritatively.)

Zuko: (with distaste) Captain Zhao.
Zhao: It's Commander now. And General Iroh-- (he bows to Iroh) --great hero of our nation.
Iroh: Retired general.
Zhao: The Fire Lord's brother and son are welcome guests any time. What brings you to my harbor?
Iroh: Our ship is being repaired.

(The screen expands as Iroh gestures at the heavily damaged bow of Zuko's ship.)

Zhao: That's quite a bit of damage.
Zuko: Yes... you wouldn't believe what happened. (He gives his uncle a sideways glance and immediately passes the buck.)Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened.

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