chapter 13

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(Scene opens with a lake view. Camera pans up to reveal Sokka, Aang, Sarah and Momo sitting around a camp on the lakeshore. A large blue tent occupies the left hand portion of the screen. When the camera stops a large green fish jumps into view and falls back into the lake. Sarah gets up and points at it.)

Sarah: Look!

(Sokka gets up and assumes a gunslinger stance. Cut to a close up of Sokka's face, with Sarah visible over his right shoulder. Cut to another fish in mid-air, it drops back off the screen in slow motion. It appears to be some sort of green catfish. Cut to Sokka and Sarah again.)

Sokka: He is taunting us. (Cut to long shot of the group.) You are so gonna be dinner! (Sokka runs back to the tent and grabs his fishing pole which standing up outside of it, runs back to the lake edge and casts the pole a few times without effect.) Hey! Where's the fishing line?
Aang: Oh, I didn't think you would need it, Sokka. (Holds up a necklace.)
Sokka: Aahh, it's all tangled!
Aang: Not tangled – woven. (Airbending himself to a standing position and turning to Sarah.) I made you a necklace, Sarah. (Looking from side to side in an embarrassed fashion) I thought since you lost your other one...

(Aang holds up the necklace and sheepish smile marked by a sound effect spreads across his face, cut to Sarah.)

Sarah (smiles, walks over to Aang and takes necklace): Thanks, Aang. I love it.
Sokka (again at the water's edge and looking back at Aang): Great, Aang. Maybe instead of saving the world you can go into the jewelry making business.
Aang: I don't see why I can't do both. (Sarah puts necklace on in the background.)

(Sokka turns his back to the camera to see the fish leaping again from the lake. He throws his pole like a spear and it disappears into the water.)

Sokka: Stop taunting me! 

(A visual effect denoting anger flashes briefly near Sokka's head as he says this. He draws his knife from behind his back and enters the water in a bandy-legged way. He lunges into the water with the knife trying to catch the fish. Aang appears in the foreground, watching Sokka's antics.)

Sarah (from o.c.): So, how do I look?

(Aang turns to face Sarah as she begins to speak. By the end of her question Aang's eyes have almost popped out of his skull. He is dumfounded. Cut to a view of Sarah's lower body with the camera immediately beginning to pan up. Around Sarah, the world has become beautiful, with the rocks and trees bathed in a romantic dark pink or purple hue, every object reflecting light as if studded with diamonds. The music has changed abruptly to reflect Aang's feelings for Sarah. The pan ends with a view of Sarah's upper body, her hand at her new necklace and small patches of red under her eyes, indicated some embarrassment. Cut to Aang, who is using his left forefinger to loosen his collar while staring at Sarah.)

Aang: You mean all of you or just your neck? I mean, uh, both look great.
Sokka (who has just emerged from the lake, holding a fish as if about to give it a kiss): Smoochie, smoochie, someone's in love. (The fish flips is his hands, knocking him back into the lake.)
Aang (rubbing his head in an embarrassed gesture): I...well...
Sarah (looking in annoyance o.c. towards her brother): Stop teasing him, Sokka. (Momo hops up onto Aang's shoulder.) Aang's just a good friend. (She rubs Aang's head) A sweet little guy – just like Momo. (She rubs Momo's head just as she had Aang's a moment before.)
Aang (clearly put down): Thanks.

(Sokka approaches them, sopping wet, empty handed and with a dark look on his face. An ominous noise off screen prompts Momo to fly toward it and off screen. Cut to a large rock that Momo is sitting on, looking off screen. He is joined a moment later by Aang who has clearly airbent himself into the air and onto the rock. He points towards the source of the noise.)

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