chapter 5 (part 2)

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Fade to new scene of a cavern. Camera pans left to reveal Aang standing on a small stone parapet with a waterfall in the background. The cavern floor is covered in stalagmites. In the upper left corner of the screen, King Bumi, the guards and the prisoners stand on a balcony. Crystal already covers the forearms of both. King Bumi laughs.)

King Bumi: It seems I've lost my lunch box key and I'm hungry.

(Cut to a close up shot of a key hanging by a long chain in the middle of the waterfall. A ladder reaches up from the ground of the cavern to about where the key dangles.)

King Bumi: Ooo, there it is. Would you mind fetching it for me?

(Aang jumps into action. Using his airbending skills he bouces from stalagmite to stalagmite. He charges into the waterfall, holding his breath, and begins to climb the ladder. The force of the water stops him from making progress, though.)

King Bumi: Ooo, climbing the ladder. No one's thought of that before.

(Aang loses his grip and is shot out of the waterfall. He is about to get impaled when he recovers and slides between two stalagmites, one foot on the side of each. He breathes a sigh of relief. He looks up at his friends and regains his determination. This time he flies up to the stalactites on the ceiling and is soon looking down at the key. He concentrates, jumps into the waterfall, and is shot right back out, managing to grab onto a stalagmite. Cut to King Bumi and the prisoners. The crystal now covers them up to the shoulder.)

King Bumi: That's right. Keep diving head in, I'm sure it'll work eventually.

(This gives Aang an idea. He breaks off the top of the stalagmite he is holding and throws it at the chain holding the key. Using his airbending skills he makes sure it breaks the chain and carries the bottom part of it along with the key up to the balcony. The tip of the stalagmite embeds itself like a spearhead into the top of the doorway. The key now dangles just over the surprised King's head.)

Aang: There, enjoy your lunch! I want my friends back, now!
King Bumi: Uh, not yet. I need help with another matter. It seems I've lost my pet Flopsy.

(Cut to a fluffy bunny sitting on a rock. The scene expands to show Aang landing in the background.)

Aang: Okay, found him!

(The view expands again to reveal Aang and the bunny in the middle of a shallow arena. King Bumi and the prisoners are at the railing around the top of the arena.)

King Bumi: Bring him to me! Daddy wants a kiss from Flopsy!

(Cut to Aang and Flopsy. Behind Aang a huge monster is landing.)

Aang: Come here, Flopsy!

(Aang turns around to face the monster while the bunny squeaks and runs off. The monster crushes a huge boulder in front of Aang. He flips backwards and lands as the bunny runs by him, squealing in terror.)

Aang: Flopsy, wait! Flopsy! Flopsy!

(Aang chases the bunny while the monster chases Aang. Cut to King Bumi, who is cackling maniacally. The bunny runs into a rabbit hole in the wall of the arena. Aang slides up next to it and sticks his hand in the hole. He rummages around, but finds nothing. Meanwhile, the monster closes in. Aang has another idea. He stands up and faces the monster just as it arrives.)

Aang (to monster): Flopsy?

(The monster stops instantly and wags its tail. Flopsy picks Aang up tenderly, making gentle noises. Aang is surprised and starts screaming. He stops when Flopsy gives him a huge lick.)

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