chapter 7 (part one)

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Wide shot of the open sky over a lush river valley. It is a beautiful day with lazy, puffy white clouds and sunshine. Cut to an overhead view of the valley floor, clouds moving below. A red bird moves into view, soon engulfed in an Appa shaped shadow. Cut to a long shot of Appa moving slowly through the clouds, replaced quickly by a pan left showing Aang in Appa's driving seat, leaning back, enjoying himself with a reed in his mouth. As the camera pans left, Sarah stretches out on her stomach looking over Appa's side, while Sokka whittles.)

Sarah (from o.c. at first): Those clouds look so soft, don't they? Like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big, soft cottony heap.
Sokka: Maybe you should give it a try.
Sarah: You're hilarious.

(Cut to Aang, whose head pops towards the camera, almost smashing into it, a wide grin on his face.)

Aang: I'll try it! Yehhhh!

(He jumps right off Appa's side, laughing and hurtling down through the clouds with his staff. Sokka and Sarah look over the side of Appa as he plunges through a cloud. A moment later Aang lands next to them with his glider. He is soaking wet.)

Aang: Turns out clouds are made of water!

(He airbends himself dry. Sokka and Sarah eye him strangely. Suddenly, Sarah turns and looks ahead.)

Sarah: Hey, what is that?

(Cut to a forward view. Up ahead, the floor of the valley below around the river is black instead of vegetation green.)

Sokka: It's like a scar.

(Cut to a scene on the floor of the valley in the damaged area. Burnt tree stumps dot the barren landscape. The three have dismounted Appa and are walking around. Aang is in the foreground, Sarah on his left back near Appa and Sokka to his right.)

Sokka: Listen, it's so quiet. There's no life anywhere.
Sarah: Aang, are you ok?

(Cut to a view of footprints on the burnt ground. Sokka is examining them.)

Sokka: Fire Nation! Those evil savages make me sick! They have no respect for -
Sarah: Shh!
Sokka (whispering): What? I'm not allowed to be angry?

(Sarah points ahead. Cut to Aang, standing ahead, clearly upset. He sinks to his knees in the dust and sighs. Cut to a frontal shot of Aang, who begins to run his hands through the burnt earth.)

Aang: Why would anyone do this? How could I let this happen?
Sarah: Aang, you didn't let this happen. It has nothing to do with you.
Aang: Yes it does. It's the Avatar's job to protect nature. But, I don't know how to do my job.
Sarah: That's why we're going to the North Pole to find you a teacher.
Aang: Yeh, a waterbending teacher, but there's no one who can teach me how to be the Avatar. Monk Gyatso said that Avatar Roku would help me.
Sokka: The Avatar before you? He died over a hundred years ago, how are you supposed to talk to him?
Aang: I don't know.

(Momo jumps into his lap and begins to chitter. Aang pets his back. Fade to a scene of Prince Zuko emerging from tall reads into a clearing.)

Zuko (yelling): Uncle! It's time to leave! Where are you? Uncle Iroh!

(The camera pans left to follow Zuko. A fire soldier uniform becomes visible hanging from the low branches of a tree as the screen pans. Cut to Iroh in a hot bath, the tub made out of rock and it is fed by a stream coming out of the rocks behind it.)

Iroh (happily)>: Over here.
Zuko: Uncle? We need to move on, we're closing in on the Avatar's trail and I don't want to lose him!
Iroh: You look tired, Prince Zuko. Why don't you join me in these hot springs and soak away your troubles.
Zuko (angry): My troubles cannot be soaked away. It's time to go!
Iroh: You should take your teacher's advice and relax a little. The temperature's just right. I heated it myself.

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