Chapter 1

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"Mom, I do not want to move there with her"

"Honey it's what's best for all of us, me and your dad are not doing well with our relationship, and spending a summer down there won't be too bad for you"

My mom and dad have agreed that their relationship sucks and have agreed to ship me off to my aunts for the summer. Which means no friends, new people, and leaving my parents. My aunt's name is Maria. She's only 32 and she's a pretty cool person, but she works all the time. I haven't seen her or visited her in 8 years, before my friend Tyler moved down there. I haven't had any contact with Tyler in 7 years so I doubt he would know me if we did meet.

"Sids you need to get your stuff packed! Your flight leaves in 3 hours!" Great. Thanks Dad. My dad hasn't really been apart of my life. He's always been there, I just don't have a strong connection with him. In all my 14 years I have never been a daddy's girl. Ever.

We live in a small town in Kentucky. Our town doesn't do much, we have a few has stations and some restaurants and a few clothing stores, and that's it. Moving so far is probably going to impact my summer a lot. My summer is going to consist of me in my room on twitter.

I pack all the clothes I'll need for 2 months and all my other little stuff I "need" to take with me. I roll my 2 suitcases down the hallway and set them in front of the door. My mom is driving me so she opens the door for me and grabs one of my bags. We walk down the brick sidewalk to our car. We don't have a big fancy car or a huge house but we get along well. We both are piling my stuff into the trunk and get in after it's all in there. Our drive there will probably consist of my mom crying, trying to turn around, or stopping to eat. It takes an hour to get to the airport. That hour is going to be the longest one of my life.

We get to the airport and go through bag check and security and I have to tell my mom goodbye. She is crying and it's making me tear up too.

"Baby girl I love you. Call me if you need me. Try to make some friends this summer okay? Stay out if trouble too. Tell Aunt Maria I said hello. Be careful sweetie. I love you." My mom was stroking my hair and crying into my shoulder.

"I will mommy, I love you too" I've not called her mommy since I was 9. She seemed to notice because she let go and gave me a smile, with tears running down her cheeks.

I turn away and walk toward the boarding gate. I turn and smile at her before handing the lady my ticket and walking through the barriers. I'm 14 and traveling on my own. This is pretty cool.

I walk down the isle and find my seat, B35. I take the window seat, since nobody is sitting there yet. People are filling the plane, all of them passing my row, until a boy, around 15 or 16, interrupts my thoughts.

"Is this seat taken?" he says with a small grin, pointing to the seat next to me. I just shake my head no and he sits down. There is still one seat beside him, I hope we don't get stuck with someone bad. Soon enough a man sits down beside the mystery guy. The man had a suit on so I wasn't going to even try talking to him.

"I'm Sidney." I blurt out smiling at no name. He has the bluest eyes and caramel brown hair. He smiles back before answering.

"I'm Dalton, Dalton Burgess," the name suits him. He looks like a Dalton.

"Parker, Sidney Parker. How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" I regret saying it I feel like I'm invading privacy, that's just how I am.

"I'm 15, and you?" he says smiling back at me. He has a really nice smile.

"I'm 14." His eyes go wide as he looks at me,"what?" I say laughing.

"You just look a lot older than that. So why are you finding yourself in Jackson,Mississippi this fine day?" he says, obviously trying to mock the man sitting beside him. I just giggle at his question.

"I'm actually going to Flora to live with my Aunt." I say eating some of the peanuts we were given.

"Oh my gosh, me too! Well not to visit my aunt but I live right beside Flora! I live in Madison." he says as the flight attendant comes over the intercom and begins telling us procedures and safety rules.

Maybe this summer won't suck as bad as I thought, I tell myself as the plane begins to take off.

Dalton is asleep before we are in the air 20 minutes and I decide a nap sounds great too.

I wake up when I feel my ears popping, signaling that we were landing. Dalton is still asleep, so I lightly tap his arm, which is quite nice for a 15 year olds. He slowly opens his eyes, giving me a sleepy smile.

"Good morning." he says stretching, I just roll my eyes and laugh as we begin to get off the plane and into the airport. As soon as I get out of the plane connector I see my Aunt standing with her arms open, and my bags by her side. I run to her and give her a big hug. Dalton has found his mom and is walking away. I want to say goodbye but my aunt is waking away too. We walk through the busy airport and to her car.

I pull out my phone and see a message on the screen.

From: Dalton Burgess

I kinda took your phone and put my number in it. Call me when you get to Flora ;)

I look up from my phone smiling and set it in my lap, enjoying the ride to my new home.

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