New beginnings

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                                     Chapter 3That night Caitlyn and I went to my hotel room packed all my belongings and headed to her house

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                                     Chapter 3
That night Caitlyn and I went to my hotel room packed all my belongings and headed to her house. On the car ride there I took the opportunity to ask about Dr. Wells. "So Caitlyn how do you like working at star labs?" I ask as nonchalantly as I can. She smiles a bit "it's amazing with everything that happened even after my fiancé passed.. I've always thought of Cisco and Dr. Wells as family so I had to stay for them, myself and Ronnie."
"Oh.." I say remembering Cisco telling me about the death of Caitlyn's fiancé when the particle ex. blew up. "That must of been hard.. but it's great to have the support of Dr.wells and Cisco also i hope you will come to think of me as family too." I smile at that. "I already do Em" Caitlyn giggled "plus it's great to have another women around with all those boys"
"Very true!" I say laughing.
"Sooo Em what about you? Do you have any love interests... a boy back in Starling City?"
I look out the window and sigh "no I don't but there is a man I've had my eyes on."
"A man?!" Caitlyn said sarcastically. "who?" Her curiosity lingering
"So how far away is your apartment?" I say quickly trying to change the subject. I refuse to tell anyone that I have a crush on the man curing my best friend, and especially the people he works with.
"Ha ha, I know what your doing Em" Caitlyn said rolling her eyes,"anyways we are here"
She parks in a parking garage that is connected to the apartment building.
(Skipping to when Emily is settled in)
"All done un-packing!" I yell out of Caitlyn who's in the kitchen.
She walks in and admires the new set up. "Thanks again for taking me in I'll help pay rent and clean plus I can cook"
"Of course this is your new home" Caitlyn said smiling brightly. "Anyways we should probably get some sleep, have to be in the lab first thing tomorrow morning. Goodnight Em if you need anything I'm down the hall"
"Goodnight Caitlyn, thanks again!"
With that she shuts the door behind her. I plop down on the my new bed soaking up my new life in Central city for now. Before I go to bed I ring Ollie to see how he's doing. Straight to voice mail 4 times.. finally I leave a voice message
Ollie, it's Em.. I've been trying to reach you. How are you doing? It looks like I'll be staying in Central city for awhile. Barry is still in the coma and I'm staying with a new friend. Just wanted to update you. I love you olive please call back soon."

With that I change into my pjs and head to bed. Thinking about Oliver, Barry and for some reason Dr. Wells....

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