The Devil was an Angel

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Narrator POV

How is one even remotely suppose to function properly after a near death experience and being turned into a metahuman? This is something Emily thought as she laid in the med bed at STAR labs

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How is one even remotely suppose to function properly after a near death experience and being turned into a metahuman? This is something Emily thought as she laid in the med bed at STAR labs. Emily missed the good old days, where her father and mother weren't dead, her brother wasn't the vigilante and Malcolm wasn't Thea's father. But also many good things have happened after all the trauma, she made new friends, found someone she loves deeply and maybe just maybe she could become a hero like Barry and Ollie.

That is something Emily can think and dream about so easily, but it's the demon within her that screams out something differently. Emily has never been a killer, yes she's been angry with many people but never to an extent where she found herself craving their blood on her hands. Now, all that has changed. The thought or mention of anyone she dislikes, the demon within ignites. Not only did Emily know of this but also Harrison... he is after all the man who created this meta gene...

"No more pain... stop... p-please." Emily shouted in her sleep as she tossed and turned. "She must be having a nightmare." Caitlyn runs over checking Emily's vitals. "STOP IT EILING!" As Emily screeched out Harrison felt a pang in his chest watching the love of his life relive her tortures. He had seen it first hand after all, he knew exactly what General Eiling did to her while they all thought she was dead.

Everyone who remained at STAR labs all felt a feeling of guilt as they all believe that they should have known that Emily was indeed alive. But how could they have known such a thing? Such a conflicting situation they were all put in. "God damnit someone wake her up... are we going to let this continue?!" Oliver growled at the team of useless scientists. What use is it to sit here and watch his sister suffer. "Oliver's right, we have to wake her."

Cisco shakes his head, "waking up someone from a dream like that... could be... like really bad."

"Not as bad as enduring the dream itself. Mr. Queen is right. Wake her up Miss Snow." Harrison says lowly looking down at the floor, avoiding every and all gazes. Caitlyn reluctantly walks forward tinkering with the machines hooked onto Emily. In a matter of minutes everyone in the room waits anxiously for her to wake up.

They all are thinking the same thing.... will things ever be the same with her?

Emily's POV
Currently I am in a state of unconscious where I know my surroundings and I have somewhat of an understanding to what is going on. However I am unable to physically act or even communicate with the outside world. I use to be oblivious to many things... but not anymore. I am more aware of things and I believe that many of my senses have been heightened.

It must have to do with the fact that I am now a meta human. Not just any meta human.. a government issued... Subject 13... meta human.

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