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Her point of view.

My head pounded and throbbed. Where was I?

Everything was black.

Almost everything connected to make my body was aching.

My eyes flutter open slowly but the surprising bright lights make me squint in pain.

Finally I open my eyes wider now being able to notify my surroundings. It seemed to me I was laying down, hence as to a couch encircling me and to what looked likely a normal white roof with 'bright lights'.

One good thing to know, I was in a house, safe and sound.

But who's?

My head felt much warmer than any other part of my body and I felt for my forehead to see if I was coming down with a temperature. Yet I clenched a soft object, I pulled it up revealing a knitted heat pack that had the nirvana band symbol pasted along the front making me smile slightly.

I loved Nirvana. If the owners of the house I was in currently were crackheads or murderers or terrorists, a least they had good taste in music.

I slouch my back and pull my focus to my right side to find two teenage boys staring into my soul. They looked petrified, just as I was.

I screamed, seeing as it was the only thing I could do.

What were they going to do to me?

The light curly brunette on the left hushed me as he moved closer.

'Hey it's fine, we're not going to hurt you. We helped you.' The boys happy voice hummed.

I looked at him clueless.

'I'm Ashton Fletcher Irwin, nice to meet youuu-' he dragged out the word expecting an answer back.

'Grace Isobell Forward.' I croak.

'It's nice to meet you Grace Isobell Forward.' He said revealing his purely whites and two cute dimples.

I then took notice of the boy behind this 'Ashton'.

He had a more timid face, like he wasn't sure how to settle, he looked confused yet in the same way happy, mixed emotions I guess. This boy had blonde hair pulled up high into a quiff. He had deep sea blue eyes that seemed to reach mine. His body was tense and from the look of his legs, must've been at least 6 feet.

His face didn't show any kindness or calm vibes and I suddenly felt unwelcomed even though I still had no idea where I was. Was this their house they shared together?

That's a when I spotted a mob of hair making it's way to me. Much similar to Ashton's. He looked about 9 or 10? He had some of the same features as Ethan.

He places his hand over mine carefully.

'Dear princess, I'm prince Harry.' He says in a thick accent as he kisses the top of my hand delicately and then cheekily grins. Ashton shoves him off.

'Don't freak her out you freak.' Ashton said harshly.

'I was flattered.' I say honoured as well as partially giggling.

'Mum!' I see Ashton yell and then soon enough less than a minute, a woman pops her head into whatever part if this house is.

Her eyes bulge wide.

'She's awake.' The blonde boy said.

A.N ~ this chapter sucks and dismiss the spelling errors I'm crazy.

It'll get better don't worry I have many great ideas *laughs evilly* btw if you didn't know this is a Luke fan fic not a Ashton one. Just clarifying.


I've seriously been sitting around all day just reading fan fics I really have no life.

Ima go watch Twilight now because I feel like it. I'm so happy because I have no school tomorrow so no homework for me!

P.S so pumped for Youth Alive tomorrow, whoever is reading should come! Sun Coast Christian College at 6 I think?? :/

I'm listening to All Time Low right now and I'm getting such a good writing vibe. Yep, so that's my update. I know, I'm fun. K bye. I try.

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