02 | Some Things Don't Change

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Looking around the spacious classrooms reminded me of the time I had spent here two years ago. Unconsciously, my thoughts lingered to that day with those twins. Quickly, I dismissed them, I didn't want to be distracted on my first day back here.

"Everyone, this is Kirishima Aoi, your new classmate. She used to attend Ouran two years ago but moved to America for business reasons." The teacher introduced me.

"Take a seat, Kirishima-san."

I sat down on the only empty seat left that was near the corner of the room. As class began, I took out my notebook and started to take notes.





"What?!" Turning around to the desk behind me, I faced the girl who was calling me, irritated.

"Hey! I'm Izumi Hina! Just call me Hina! You seem like a smart person, I was wondering if you could tell me what this means." She beamed at me while pointing at her notes.

Looking down at her notebook, all I could see was a scribbled mess.

'H-How does she even read this?!'

"Um, sorry I can't help you..."


"IZUMI-SAN!" The teacher's voice caught our attention and I quickly whirled back to my seat and faced the front.

"How many times have I told you to pay attention to class already?! And if you wish to befriend the new student, you can do so during break time!" She scolded.

'Now I feel guilty that she was the only one that got scolded...' I sighed.

"Sorry 'bout that Sensei." Rubbing the back of her head, Hina chuckled nervously.

Glaring at the said student, the teacher turned around and continued writing on the board again. Looking back one last time, I continued to write notes.

After class ended, she approached me once again.

"Hey there! Kirishima-san right? Can I call you Aoi? Its a pretty name yanno?" Does she always have that cheerful smile plastered to her face?

"...Thanks?" I replied, unsure.

"Haha no problem. You don't talk a lot do you?"

'No, it's just that you talk too much. Is this girl on some kind of sugar rush?'

"So I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me, Aoi-chan!" Ignoring the fact that I didn't answer her previous question, she continued.

"I guess."

"Great!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way to the rooftop. Slamming the door open, she took a deep breathe in and sighed happily.

"Wait... we're eating here?" I wasn't too fond of heights.

"Yeah! Are you scared of heights or something?"

Flushing in embarassment, I quickly sat down on one of the benches close to the fence, "N-no! Of course not!"

She laughed, "Riiiight, of course you aren't." She took a seat next to me and opened her bento.

"So, Aoi-chan, what does your family do?"

"They mostly own banks and companies. Some hotels and entertainment centers too. You?"

"Yeah well, I'm an honor student! As you can tell, my lunch isn't as fancy as yours!" She laughed it off.

Looking down at her bento and mine, I did notice the difference.

"So, what do you specialize in as an honor student here?" I was starting to get curious.

"I do classical music, you know, piano and violin."

An image popped up in my head of her banging on the piano and playing the violin like an electric guitar as I sweatdropped, "Wow... you don't seem like the type that does classical music..."

"Hey! That's offensive!!" She whined, "I'm actually pretty good you know?!"

"Yeah, well you have to be 'pretty good' to be able to get into Ouran as an honor student for that." She nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes of rare silence, she suddenly sat up, smiling, "Aoi-chan!"

"Yeah?" I said, surprised at her sudden change.

'Sometimes she really scares me...'

"Have you heard of the Host Club?"

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