04 | His Blooming Heart

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It's been a full day since I went to the Host Club with Hina. I can't exactly say that I would want to go there again. Sighing, I thought about all the times in the past that I had fought with those twins. This time they seemed nicer. Maybe that's not the right word, but they were different from before. More... social? I guess.

"Aoi-chan!" I heard Hina whisper to me.

"The teacher is calling you!!"


"Kirishima-san!" The teacher called out to me.


"Can you translate this paragraph?"


And so, the day went by normally.

After the last class, I was walking to the front gate of the school when I heard a familiar voice call my name.

"Hey A-Aoi!"

Turning around, I saw Hikaru ( I think? ) walking towards me. The girls around him started whispering. It was unusual to see him without his twin.

I raised my eyebrow at him, "Yeah?"

As he came closer, he looked down and rubbed the back of his head in silence.


I blinked, "Huh?"


"For what?"

"For... you know, yesterday and... all those other times in the past."


'Are they playing some kind of joke on me? There's no way the Hikaru I knew would apologize, especially without his twin by his side.'

"You're Hikaru, am I right?"

He looked up at me, surprised, "How do you know?"

"Well, you seem more flustered about apologizing to me. If Kaoru was saying sorry to me, he would say that he was apologizing on your behalf and he would be calmer since he didn't do anything and you were the one who shouted at me." I said while pointing to him. I was just lucky they did something seperately so that I could tell the difference. Otherwise it would've been waaaay harder.

"I-I am not flustered!"

"You're stuttering."

"That doesn't prove anything!"

"Really?" I scoffed.

"Anyway," I started before he could say anything and end up fighting again, "Where is Kaoru, then?"

"He told me to find you and apologize, and he said he wouldn't come along and help because he thinks I need to be responsible for my own actions."

"And what do you think?"

"I... don't know. But we're different from before. Boss helped us open up, Haruhi and everyone from the Host Club too."


"Oh yeah, me and Kaoru call Tamaki boss."

"Oh. I see." Looking up at him, I blushed for some reason and tried to cover my face with my hair and glasses. Too late. He noticed.

He laughed at me, "Are you blushing?"


"You're stuttering." He quoted me, "Perhaps you've fallen for me again, just like two years ago."

Now it was my turn to laugh at him, "Are you flirting with me?"

"Maybe I am." He smirked as I laughed.

After a while, I stopped laughing and I didn't realize I had been staring at him. We both turned away and my face turned red.

"Y-You should stop by the Host Club today."


"And Aoi?"


"I'm curious, about two years ago... Why did you say that you only wanted to confess to me?"

My face turned even redder ( if that was even possible at this point ) "Idiot, that was two years ago!"

a/n: ahh, the tsundere moments in this chapter (>3<) okay, I'll stop talking.

"I know, but still, why?"

I stood there in silence for a while.

"Because... even if you're the 'same' in a way you guys are still 'different.' And it would kind of be whore-ish to agree to both of you. It defeats the whole purpose of my confession." I said.

Hikaru started snickering before laughing out loud and holding his stomach. At this point a lot of people started to stare.

"W-What's wrong with my answer?!" Again, I was embarassed.

"Nothing. It's just-" He started laughing in the middle of talking and struggled to get the words out, "whore-ish really? That's an interesting way to put it."

I shrugged, "It's my way of putting it and if it's interesting to you then so be it. Now, are we going to the Host Club or not?"

He tried to compose himself after his burst of laughter, "R-Right, this way."

a/n: That's a wrap for chapter 4! Hehe, I'm sorry if I made Hikaru OOC, I hope i didn't. Oh and do not panic yet, this isn't only a Hikaru love story, there will be some Kaoru too in the next chapter, I think. Patience, my dear.

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